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Religion of Friday, 20 January 2012


Source: The Catalyst

Pastors Group: Mills 2012 Victory A Done Deal

President John Evans Atta Mills’ 2012 victory is cast in iron, and nothing that anybody does will be able to reverse the will of God. This is according to ‘Watchers Of The City,’ an umbrella organisation of seasoned pastors in Ghana.
The pastors group said, like his first term, the second term bid of the President has been sanctioned by God and victory is his in the presidential election of 2012 since he is billed by God for an eight-year rule and that nothing can change the mind and purpose of God for Ghana regarding what He intends doing through President Mills.
Speaking to your authoritative, The Catalyst in an exclusive interview at the paper’s office yesterday, the coordinator of the group, Rev. Kelvin Agbotse, said “There is a massive victory awaiting President Mills and his National Democratic Congress government in December this year. This victory cannot be stopped by any force. No political propaganda or scheme can stop it.
It is a victory that will shock even their political opponents. Just as Haman could not stop Mordecai, Pharaoh could not stop Moses, the Philistines could not stop Samson, Saul could not stop David, the Jordan could not stop Joshua and Jezebel could not stop Elijah, so shall no satanic intelligence or demonic prophesy of death stop the forthcoming victory of President Mills.”
He said Ghana has reached a point of takeoff and God has chosen President Mills conferred on him an eight-year mandate to prosecute the divine agenda of God in steering the affairs of this country. According to him, President Mills has just done three years out of the eight years he is destined to rule Ghana and will accomplish the rest of the five years ahead of him.
Rev. Agbotse said, “The Spiritual dispensation this country finds herself in now, it is Mills who has found favour from God to prosecute a divine agenda. The rank and file of NDC members, sympathisers and admirers should be inspired and motivated by this vision to work harder so as to realise the manifestation of it.”
The Watchers of the City coordinator however had a word of caution for the membership of the NDC. This is what he said: “The NDC party has to ‘repair the altar of God which has been broken down” by their internal wrangling and conflict. It destroyed their spiritual and physical strength – the unity and comradeship must be restored. They should know that No curse can be visited unto them except they allow themselves to be manipulated and orchestrated out of the path of victory ahead.”
Quoting Numbers 23:8-9 from the Holy Bible, as “How shall I curse whom God has not cursed? And how shall I denounce whom the Lord has not denounced?” Rev. Agbotse declared, “NDC government, this is your time and season- don’t fail God, have faith in your God, for “God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a Son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken and will He not make it good?
The Watchers of the City was instrumental in the victory of the NDC and President Mills in the 2008 elections. The group accurately predicted victory for President Mills and the NDC ahead of the 2008 elections.
In several conversations with The Catalyst at the time, Rev. Agbotse insisted that President Mills is God ordained and that. He said these at a time when many a political pundit and analyst did not give the NDC and the then Candidate Atta Mills a dog’s chance.
He told The Catalyst yesterday that God will complete in 2012 what he had begun in 2008 since God cannot lie.