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Religion of Wednesday, 9 July 2014


Source: Hussein BabalWaiz

Qur'anic Commentary & Analysis through the Lens of Modern Science [7]

"…[In the Qur'an]There is a perfect blend between the two antagonistic powers of reason and emotion, intellect and feeling. In the narrations, arguments, doctrines, laws, and moral principles, the words have both persuasive teaching and emotive force. Throughout the whole Qur'an, the speech maintains its surprising solemnity, power and majesty which nothing can disturb." --- Abu Ammaar Yasir Qadhi, in his "An Introduction to the Sciences of the Qur'an"
Miracle of Numbers in the Holy Qur'an

The Arabic word Fail means action and the word Ajr means reward. The word Fail appears in the Qur'an an total of 108 times. The same is true of the word Ajr, which also appears 108 times.

The Arabic word Teen means clay and the word Nutfah means sperm. The Qur'an states that man is created first from Teen and then from Nutfah. The word Teen appears in the Qur'an a total of 12. The same is the case with the word Nutfah, which appears 12 times.

Rahman and Raheem are two names of Allah derived from the word Rahman which means mercy. Rahman refers to mercy associated with justice; whereas, Raheem refers to mercy associated with forgiveness. The word Rahman appears in the Qur'an a total of 57 times, but the word Raheem appears in the Qur'an a total of 114 which is just the double of 57. This relationship corroborates with various Ahadith[trandions] that tell us that the mercy of Allah dominates His wrath.
The Arabic word Jaza means payment or reward, and the word Mughfirah means forgiveness. The word Jaza in the Qur'an appears a total of 117 times, and the word Mughfirah appears in the Qur'an 234 times, a number just double of 117. This again denotes that Allah's forgiveness overshadows His justice.
Countless such numerical symmetries have been pointed out by many people. Each of these symmetries has a specific relationship to the topic under discussion. Needless to say, Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) did not have a computer to count all the words in the Qur'an that enabled him to use a certain word with a specific numerical relationship to the corresponding words in the Qur'an.
Pathways in space
"By the sky full of layers of orbit-pathways-tracks." --- Q-51:7
Analysis: There are about 200 billion galaxies in the universe, each of which consists about 200 billion stars. Furthermore, most of these stars have planets, and most of these planets have satellites. All of these heavenly bodies are in a state of constant motion. At the same time the galaxies also travel at enormous speed in computed planned pathways. The outer space is thus full of countless layers of pathways, tracks or orbits. Surely at the time this verse was revealed, mankind did not know that the heavens were full of these pathways or orbits. Astrophysicists have only recently gained this knowledge. The verse also speaks of the absolute power and wisdom of Allah, the exalted that during these movements, none of these celestial bodies cut another's path, or collide with another.
Protected roof around the earth

"We(Allah) made the sky a protected roof(around the earth), yet they still turn away from signs." ---Q-21:32
Analysis: The atmosphere surrounding the earth serves the crucial function that supports our life. Recent advancements in astro-physics have given us the knowledge to understand and appreciate this function and this also verses.
Atmosphere destroys the meteors that constantly try to approach the earth, lest they would be a constant source of destruction to all living forms.
The ozone layer surrounding the earth filters the light rays coming from space. It allows only the harmless and useful rays to enter the space. The atmosphere also protects the earth from the freezing cold of the space which about minus 270C.
The atmosphere contains a magnetic layer called the Van Allen Belt. It serves as a shield against the harmful radiation bursts to our planet. The energy transmitted in just one of these bursts was calculated to be equivalent to 100 billion atomic bombs similar to the one dropped on Hiroshima.
In short a perfect system works in the atmosphere like a protected roof around the earth. Scientists, only discovered it recently, the Qur'an stated in centuries ago.
Length of day at Polar Regions
"Then he followed[Dhul Qarnain] a road until he came to the rising place of the sun, he found it rising on a people for whom We(Allah)had provided no covering against the sun." --- Q-18:90
Analysis: This verse describes the conquests of a king whom the Qur'an described as Dhul Qarnain. The verse states that he went to a place where he found the sun in a rising state and the people at this place had no protection against the sun. We now know that this is the state of the sun at Polar Regions, where it does not set for six months. Moreover, the position of the sun is always low as in a state of rising, as stated in the Qur'an. Neither Muhammad(PBUH), nor any of the Arabs had the slightest idea of this state of sun-rise. Who besides Allah, the Exalted could have this information in the Qur'an?

Husseini Yushau BabalWaiz, is the Research & Peace Initiatives Inc. New York, Author of three books, including "Not good without God" & Tutor in Arabic & Islamic Studies in New York, [email protected]
Further reading: 160 Mysteries & Miracles of the Qur'an, by Dr. Mazhar Kazi
Al-Qur'an the Miracle of miracles, by Ahmed Deedat