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Religion of Monday, 9 May 2016


Source: Maxwell Okamafo Addo

Veep tasks churches to promote moral uprightness

Most Rev. Rev Fr Richard Kuuia Baawobr is the newly ordained Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Wa Most Rev. Rev Fr Richard Kuuia Baawobr is the newly ordained Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Wa

Vice President Kwesi Bekoe Amissah-Arthur over the weekends reminded leaders of Christian and other religious communities in Ghana about their responsibilities in producing and mentoring God fearing citizens.

He tasked the churches to fashion practical strategies to disseminate and plant principles of moral uprightness in people, extolling the virtue of humility and service.

The Upper West Regional capital, WA, became the center of attraction of the Catholic Church in Ghana and across the world, when he joined thousands of Ghanaians, Bishops, Rev. Fathers, members of the Catholic Church, and heads of the various churches, converged to witness the ordination and the installation of Most Rev. appointed Rev Fr Richard Kuuia Baawobr as the Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Wa.

At the ceremony, Mr. Amissah-Arthur asked the newly ordained Bishop- Bishop Richard Kuuia Baaworb to follow the path of his predecessor who he described as an icon so as to promote strong harmony for peace and tranquility in order to moderate tensions.

The Vice President, commended the new Bishop, and urged him to work hard to continue the good works of the Bishop Emeritus Paul Bemile, which included effective collaboration between the Catholic Church and the people they serve.

Mr. Amissah–Arthur, who represented the President, congratulated and commended the church for their contributions to the development of the nation.

The ordination ceremony of Most Rev. Fr Baawobr became necessary as Bishop Paul Bemile has retired after Pope Francis accepted his resignation presented in accordance with canon 401 § 1 of the Code of Canon Law.

The celebration also attracted traditional rulers from across the region, as well as government officials, including the Vice President of the republic of Ghana, Upper West Region, Alhaji Amin Amidu Sulemani (MP), Member of Parliament (MP) for Nadowli Kaleo, Mr Alban Sumana Kingsford Bagbin, Majority Leader and Leader of Government Business in Parliament, Hon. (Dr.) Henry Seidu Daannaa, Minister for Chieftaincy and Traditional Affairs and the WA Municipal Chief Executive among others.

The Host of the programme, the WA Diocese of the Catholic Church, used the occasion to showcase the rich culture values of the region, as traditional drumming and dances heralded the activities of the historic event.

Preaching the sermon, the Most Rev. Joseph Osei –Bonsu, President of Ghana Catholic Bishops' Conference, said bishops are the legitimate successors of the Apostles, and they should be able to act as good shepherds by supporting the people to grow both spiritually and physically without any form of discrimination.

He urged the Most Rev. Rev Fr Richard Kuuia Baawobr to be guided by the Bible at all times, be bold and work hard to continue from where Bishop Emeritus Bishop Paul Bemile ended.

He also noted that caring, loving and supporting the Bishop were the basic responsibility of the members of the church, toward the achievement of the goals and aspirations of the church.

The President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, His Eminence Cardinal Peter Appiah Turkson, assisted by the Apostolic Nuncio to Ghana, His Excellency Most Rev. Jean-Marie Speich, presided and performed the ordination rights of, Rev Fr Richard Kuuia Baawobr as the Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Wa. Assisted by high ranking bishops.

The New Bishop for WA showed his appreciation by thanking everybody whose efforts resulted in the success of his ordination as the Bishop of the Dioceses, and pledged to work hard to develop the church in the region. He called for collaboration in order to achieve success.

Rev Fr Richard Kuuia Baawobr the new Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Wa until his appointment was the Superior General of the Society of the Missionaries of Africa.

His appointment was announced by Archbishop Jean Speich, the Apostolic Nuncio to Ghana in a statement.

Fr Baawobr succeeds Bishop Paul Bemile after Pope Francis accepted his resignation presented by in accordance with canon 401 § 1 of the Code of Canon Law.

Fr Baawobr was born in June 21, 1959, at Tom-Zendagangn in the Ko Parish of the Wa Diocese in the Nandom District.

He had his primary education in his hometown, Tom-Zendagangn, from 1965 to 1972, and continued to the St Francis Xavier Minor Seminary from 1971 to 1977. He continued his secondary education at the Nandom Secondary School, and later joined the Society of Missionaries in 1981.

Fr Baawobr studied Theology at the Missionary Institute in London from 1982 to 1987. He also studied Biblical Exegesis and obtained a Licentiate in Sacred Scripture and a Doctorate in Theology with specialisation in Biblical Theology.

The Bishop-elect took his missionary oath on December 5, 1986 at St Edward College, London in the United Kingdom (UK).

He has also served in various capacities, including Assistant Parish Priest in Kinshasa, DRC; Formator of Missionaries of Africa in Kanhangala, Tanzania; and Director of the Formation of House of the Missionaries of Africa in Toulouse, France.