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Rumor Mill of Wednesday, 25 January 2006


Source: Joy Online

2008 Nations Cup plot

The Confederation of African Football has dismissed growing media reports in Port Said and at other venues in Egypt that the 2008 Nations Cup hosting rights will be taken away from Ghana.

Even before the start of the 25th African Cup of Nations, a powerful and visible Mozambican delegation has been drumming up support for Mozambique 2008 with t-shirts, leaflets and one-on-one PR with journalists and officials from the 16 countries.

But CAF official Adbou Ghani says that indeed the rumours were just that.

CAF has warned Ghana to expedite work on the construction of the new facilities or risk being stripped off the rights to host the competition.

Ghana intends to start construction on two new stadia in Tamale and Takoradi as well as rehabilitate the Accra and Kumasi stadia.

A three man CAF inspection team visited the country recently and expressed satisfaction with the rate of work.