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Rumor Mill of Sunday, 24 October 2004


Source: Lens

88% Ghanaians Reject Kufuor

Accra, Oct. 24 Lens -- Just last week Joy Fm Polls gave him 64% of the total 325 respondents who through txt message were asked to choose between Kufuor and him. President Kufuor came a distant second with 35% of the votes.

Yesterday on Kwesi Pratt's Point Blank programme on Vibe 91.9Fm, another poll was conducted. A total of 240 callers were asked their preference of President come the elections. The result was unbelievable. 87%, representing 211 people chose Mills. Mr Kufuor got 24 votes out of the total leaving the remaining 5 for the Edward Mahama of the Grand Coalition.

Only a few weeks ago, a Kumasi-based FM station, Luv FM, conducted similar polls for three consecutive days in the Ashanti region, and for the three days that the polls lasted Mr. Kufuor came nowhere near Prof. Mills. The significance of the Luv FM polls is the fact that it was conducted in the Ashanti region, which is supposed to be the stronghold of Mr. Kufuor's NPP.

The NPP would claim that these results are not scientific but if they are discerning they will be smart enough to know that coming events cast their long shadows before they happen.

Joy Fm in particular boasts of some middle of the line listeners and any serious politicians would take seriously the polls emerging from them.

It is noteworthy that in the run-up to the 2000 elections Mr. Pratt conducted similar polls on this same programme and this same station, and the results then were indicative that the NDC was losing. Indeed the NDC lost.