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The news on this page is TOLI. Unsubstantiated. No proven facts. Just rumors.

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Rumor Mill of Saturday, 12 October 2002


Source: Desmond Martey

Acheampong is ALIVE

I saw Ignatius Kutu Acheampong, ex-head of state of Ghana in Nevada, USA on June 22 1999. Immediatley, he heard me speak twi, he run away. The second sighting happened this week in New Jersey, USA. This time he greeted me and asked if i wanted a cigarette.
Could he still be alive? Have we been decieved?

"Kankan Nyame"

Skull Kwame Nkrumah had this "juju" nicknamed "Kankan Nyame". This Juju is currently in the castle at Osu. Was this the secret of JJ longetivity in office?

Oswald visited Ghana!

Lee harvey Oswald was in Ghana two days before the Kennedy assasination. He was seen at Peduasi lodge in the company of the minister of interior. Why has this never surfaced in the Kennedy murder case? The American's don't want to believe the plot was hatched in a developing country.

Ghanaweb Truth Meter: 1 (Rubbish)