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Rumor Mill of Monday, 28 November 2005


Source: The Independent

Akuffo Addo to resign

Snippets of information gathered from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and from close associates of foreign minister Nana Akuffo Addo indicate the Minister will resign come January 2006.

Unimpeachable sources close to the minister cited reasons of concentrating on his campaign towards winning the flagbearership slot of the NPP at a congress yet to be announced.

?The Independent? sources say Nana Akuffo Addo has been contemplating on this decision long before allegations of kickbacks against the presidency was leveled by Party Chairman Harona Esseku.

?The Independent?s? further reveal that Mr. Harona Esseku?s allegations have occasioned an imminent ministerial reshuffle by President Kufuor.

The foreign minister?s decision to walk, according to ?the Independent?s? sources, is in reverence to the orders of President Kufuor to all ministers who wants to succeed him to desist from campaigning when they have to be in office working.

Among the know NPP presidential aspirants, Nana Akuffo Addo, unlike the others has so far remained calm and concentrated on his job as foreign minister, in conformity with the President?s fiat to the potential aspirants.

Meanwhile, the paper says its has credible information that the President would reshuffle his team this week.

President Kufuor is attending a Commonwealth leaders meeting in Malta and according to the paper?s sources, the President would carry out the reshuffle when he returns.

?The Independent? says most of the old hands would be sacked outright but a lot more would stay with different portfolios.

The paper?s report says some perceived corrupt district chief executives would also be axed by President Kufuor.