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Rumor Mill of Tuesday, 13 July 2004


Source: Palaver

Another Bogus Loan?

Is it true that.....

*On the same day that the infamous US$300 million CNT/CNTCI scam loan was approved by Parliament, a suppliers' credit for US$10 million from a Company called Newark Commercial Capital Company, a USA-registered company with connections in the Czech Republic, was also approved for the supply of agricultural tractors, that this company could be as fraudulent as the CNT/CNTCI and IFC even though in their case a Dunn & Bradstreet "due diligence" report accompanied the Memorandum for the suppliers' credit that Minister of Agriculture Major Courage Quashigah (Rtd.) sent to Parliament, that the company appears to be a "sole purpose company" purposely set up for the Ghana transaction only and that they have no track record whatsoever in the transaction that they are involved in with the country, Ghana being the first country in the world which they are using as a kind of guinea pig experimental laboratory, and that a visit to their current website on the Internet will reveal that it has been cosmetized to fool persons who may try to unveil the fraud being perpetrated on Ghana, and that it is moat likely that Newark Commercial Capital Company, like CNT/CNTCI and IFC, will also not be able to deliver?