You are here: HomeNewsRumor Mill2003 07 08Article 38752

The news on this page is TOLI. Unsubstantiated. No proven facts. Just rumors.

Do you want to tell us your rumours? Has somebody told you that so-and-so minister has stolen $ 100 billion? Did a taxi driver claim to have ferried JJ to the castle?

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Rumor Mill of Tuesday, 8 July 2003


Source: KB

Apraku's Castle In Akomadan (5)

The minister for Regional Cooperation & NEPAD and MP Offinso North, Dr Kofi Konadu Apraku has put up a "Castle" at Akomadan, his hometown, in less than three years of being in government. The house is estimated to have cost him $200,000. Where from the money? How could he do it now and not prior to his appointment as a minister.

According to a story on SIL: He went to Amsterdam with a "rotten" Queenmother whose fishing business he used Ghana to support. And now, he has been exposed as stealing from the the Ghana Free Trade Zone.