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Rumor Mill of Friday, 27 February 2004


Source: Ghana Palaver

Asamoah-Boateng Flown Out For Medical Treatment (0)

Snippets of information filtering on to the news desk of Ghana Palaver have it that Mr. Asamoah-Boateng, Deputy Minister of Information, has been flown to South Africa for medical treatment as a result of injuries he sustained in a serious car accident whilst on his way to Sunyani.

According to our sources, "Asa-B", as he is popularly known, was on his way to Sunyani with his lovely and beloved teenage paramour Zulueta for a weekend love tryst when he lost control of the brand new, state-owned, 4-wheel drive vehicle he was using, somersaulted, and crashed into a ditch.

Both of them were badly injured and were evacuated by military helicopter to the 37 Military Hospital. The vehicle was damaged beyond repair.

Our sources further state that Zulueta has been discharged but is still attending hospital at the 37 Military Hospital as an outpatient.

The whole incident is being kept under wraps and treated as "top secret" by the NPP Government and family members, because "Asa-B" has apparently convinced his London-based wife, who was earlier seeking a divorce on account of his affair with Zulueta, that he had ended the affair. Any exposure that the affair is still very much alive and well is therefore certain to create insoluble matrimonial discord in the Asamoah-Boateng households.

Observers believe that with these developments, the chances of "Asa-B" winning the Mfantsiman West constituency seat, which he is contesting on the ticket of the NPP, have been reduced even further.