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Rumor Mill of Monday, 17 November 2008


Source: True Democrat

Attempts to cover-up Mega-Corruption in NPP Government


...Departments, Agencies Targeted

...Japan Motors, PHC and Toyota Ghana Infiltrated To Retrieve Documents on Vehicle Importation

...CEPS Not Left Out of the Big cover-up plan

True Democrat intelligence sources in the presidency have revealed a massive operation which involves the destruction of certain documents. A verbal directive was given to some heads of departments and agencies to remove sensitive documents detailing huge transactions and cash withdrawals from the files under their supervision for onward submission to the Castle. The instruction has been couched in a language which disguised it as if the documents being removed are to be placed in proper archival storage.

Of special attention are documents of funds channelled through National Security. Most of the funds, the intelligence sources noted have been diverted into private pockets, some stolen and invested in huge palatial mansions and fuel filling stations dotted across the country. In this regard, the Ministry of Finance and the National Security Secretariat are busily rummaging through the files and based on the specific instructions from the presidency, destroying anything connected with such huge and staggering withdrawals in the name of National Security operations.

According to the sources, the documents authorizing payments were signed by Dr. Akoto Osei, a Minister of State at the Finance Ministry. What the intelligence found strange was the absence of the late Kwadwo Baah-Wiredu's signatures on most of these authorizations. As to why the substantive Minister was side-stepped on most occasions in the authorization of such withdrawals, the intelligence stated that the mafia in the Castle prefers to use others because Kwadwo Baah-Wiredu was said to be very careful about unexplained operations.

The Customs, Excise and Preventive Service (CEPS) data bank containing vehicle imports and other accessories are being scavenged by the NPP agents acting on the orders of the Castle. The operation search and destroy is to ensure that any traces of vehicle diversions into private names are duly erased and the tracks effectively covered.

However, with most of the CEPS officials unhappy at the treatment being meted out to them, they could be of help in tracking down the perpetrators in the presidency. Besides, with most CEPS personnel unhappy with the selective usage of scanners to block traces of certain goods imported into the country, there is a strong belief that data captured on memory sticks could be of help to any future administration desirous to retrieve some information even if not all judging from the spate of destruction said to be taking place.

According to the intelligence, the retrieval of the documents and their destruction is not limited to only government agencies and departments. Concerted efforts are also underway to gain access to sensitive purchasing documents from Japan Motors, PHC Motors and Toyota Ghana among others. These companies, more particularly Japan Motors have been targeted by the presidency through their proxies to either steal the documents or tear them from the files. They have been reported to have been the major importer of vehicles for the NPP government in the last eight years.

What is causing the panic destruction of documents and for which such motor companies have also been targeted by the remorseless predators in the presidency has to do with the sharing of most of these vehicles among party activists, relatives and cronies. Besides, phony companies formed by the presidency, Ministers and their agents in National Security were said to be beneficiaries of these vehicles.

A change of government from the NPP to the NDC, which is ominously becoming a reality, is the precipitating force behind the move. Already, documents in respect of huge siphoning of revenue from the Tema Oil Refinery (TOR) under the guise of under-recovery are no where to be traced. Those monies collected from TOR and diverted were said to have been authorized by a Minister of State on the expressed orders of the presidency.

These documents and others involving huge bogus operational funds signed for and collected for intelligence operations are being shredded with the voracity of carnivorous animal.

Meanwhile the True Democrat has made strenuous efforts to speak to the Head of the Civil Service, Mr. Joe Issachar to find out from him if he is aware that some documents are being forcibly removed from the files, but his phone remained unanswered.