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Rumor Mill of Saturday, 13 April 2002


Source: david ( canada ).

Bishop Paul Owusu-Tabiri Saga Continues


(June 2002) -- There are rumours moving inside and outside of the so-called BETHEL CHURCH at home and abroad that, Paul Owusu Tabiri had appointed his wife Mrs. Georgina Owusu Tabiri as an Apostle. The general opinion and the Bible prove this Bishop wrong. Then, who is an Apostle?,( Greek;. apostolos,messenger, envoy, ambassador ). This title is used to describe various men in the New Testament. It was once used to describe Jesus himself.( Heb 3:1).

Secondly, the twelve disciples whom Jesus chose to be with him and, whom he commissioned and sent out to preach are also called "APOSTLES". Why Jesus did not choose his mother, sisters, Mary or Martha as an Apostle, these women used to prepare light- soup for Jesus, but chose 12 men as Apostles.

Owusu Tabiri did appoint his wife so that, in the near future, he will give her the authority to go round to collect the DOLLARS AND EUROS to sponsor their two children (boys) who are currently in MOST EXPENSIVE UNIVERSITY in London. What is the difference between the so-called bishop PAUL OWUSU TABIRI and the former president J.J.Rawlings.

When he( Owusu Tabiri), broke away from the Church of Pentecost in 1995, he accused one Apostle S.K. Baidoo then in Italy of defrauding poor Ghanaians in Italy to buy him a brand-new car, while some of the members of the Church were unemployed and others working in Tomatoes-Farms, I have the copy of this letter wrote by Owusu Tabiri in 1995 with me now, and it was distributed in Europe , U.S.A. and Canada.

I want to ask him, why did he ask the churches in Germany to buy him his present PAJERO OR OPEL4X4 he is using now?, where is the BIG COMMERCIAL PHOTO COPYING MACHINE donated to the Church Headquarters in the year 2000 by the Munich -Assembly ? Why should he opened the Church ACCOUNTS in Germany as his private Accounts in the name of Mr & Mrs. Owusu Tabiri, I don't have enough space to tell you all his DUBIOUS, DISHONEST,DISREPUTABLE CHARACTER in the CHURCH.

Dear Saints, he has missed the road, like J.J.Rawlings, so let him resign as Chairman and Founder of the BETHEL CHURCH. GOD RICHLY BLESS YOU ALL for taking time to read.



Well, I am not trying to assassinate his character, but what I am saying is in reality.In the year 1999,Paul Owusu -Tabiri went to Mulhouse, one of the French-Cities and sold about 20 white- handkerchiefs at $500.00(Five hundred dollars) each, not even French-Francs by then.

In the Bible, Apostle Paul didn't sell the Healing Handkerchief for money.(Please read Matt.10:8 )Heal the sick,raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons.Freely you have received, freely give.So any Pastor,Evangelist,Bishop etc. etc.who sells handkerchiefs is GREAT KALABULE.My people stop following signs and miracles and take time to study the WORD OF GOD. Even MALLAMS and ALHAJIS, FETISH PRIESTS,HINDUS etc.etc. can do miracles for you, but they are not from the LIVING GOD.

Secondly, in the year 2000,this same man whom innocent Ghanaians in Europe and U.S.A.called him great man of God,or anointed man made a financial appeal in Munich( Munchen ) Germany that, his Land -lady at TEMA is about to put him out of her house for a certain amount of cedis, which was equivalent to 6,000DM.(Six thousand DEUTCH MARKS.) at that time.

So during the normal Sunday Service, the congregation made contribution to pay this amount to him. The following Sunday,he went to STTUGART, and said that old Land-lady's story to collect another 6,000DM.(Six thousand DEUTCH MARKS.) .He carried the same story to the U.S.A. to collect some dollars.


Why are we afraid to tell PAUL OWUSU-TABIRI that, what he is doing is not BIBLICAL but KALABULE.

My last question to him, when,whom and where did he get THE BISHOP AND DOCTRATE DEGREE ?................AMEN