You are here: HomeNewsRumor Mill2008 01 07Article 137196

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Rumor Mill of Monday, 7 January 2008


Source: [email protected]

Bontefufuom Amansie west in Ashanti

Now i have got information that the whites vagabons are very active again in Bontefufuom Amansie west in Ashanti by gold surface mining which is against enviroment by spoiling our rivers and our farm lands and Npp government have allowed them to do that while NPP dont care what are the people in this area are fed with while they are enjoying with their family in luxus living.Iam telling the government to ban all europeans from spoiling our lands because no blackman can do that in europe.Come and see how we are suffering here,the use common papers to put us in prison,and what about their gold.If all this continue one day Ghana will be different.