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Rumor Mill of Saturday, 28 May 2005


Source: Democrat

Chief Kufuor owns 40% of GIA

...Sam Crabbe is only a front
Sam Crabbe, the self-styled businessman, who does not have one dollar to his name, made a Charles Sam-like attempt to shield John Addo Kufuor on the Joy FM programme, front page, last week. Sam Crabbe lied about being the representative of GIA whereas the website of the World Transport Group(WTG), one of the so-called partners of the GIA Consortium, names Minister Anane as the local agent of GIA.

On the JOY FM front page interview, Chief Kufuor's friend and "FRONT" wanted Ghanaians to believe that when Price Waterhouse reviewed the bids for the take over of Ghana A! irways, they did that dispassionately and without any bias, when Chief Kufuor was now virtually controlling Price Waterhouse.

How can Price Waterhouse select GIA, a brand new corporate entity, without any credible experience in airline operations ahead of Kenya Airways which has shown real class in airline operations in Africa and into Europe?

Sources close to the President have confirmed that the President was livid when it was confirmed to him that his son, Chief, was the main man behind GIA and that he in fact owned 40 per cent of the new arrangement. Too many cover-ups are entangling the Kufuor government and his family members. Let them not think for a moment that they can hide behind friends and relatives and embark on assets acquisition of the magnitude we are witnessing today. Chief Kufuor should come clean before he is exposed like his father.