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Rumor Mill of Thursday, 29 September 2011


Source: The Informer

Data Bank In Hot Waters

Begs Media Houses

Africawatch’s Nana Poku As Databank Director!!!

As Drug Money Used To Fund Akufo-Addo’s 08 Campaign

Intelligence Desk Report

If someone thinks that the wee and cocaine issues hanging around the poor neck of Nana Akufo-Addo as albatross will vanish soon with no trace, the NPP-Akyem cabal is now rather awakening to the fact that its beloved kin, will not be able to run away from the issues of his alleged strong addiction to the hard drugs.
In the wake of the latest damning US diplomatic dispatch courtesy Julian Assange, with revelation that Nana Akufo-Addo “smokes a lot of wee and wakes up with a heavy cloud of wee smoke hanging over his head” (thanks to comrade Kwesi Pratt); and also, with Steve Malory’s Africawatch Magazine adding more coal to the fire, the Akyem Ofori panyin House, is really feeling the heat now.
This time around, it is Ken Ofori Atta’s Databank which is in the eye of the storm.

It is not a secret that Databank heavily financed Akufo-Addo’s 08 campaign with the hope of the latter rewarding Ken Ofori-Atta with the position of Governor of the Bank of Ghana.
The Informer is reporting on authority that the Nana Poku guy mentioned in the Africawatch story of September, 2011 is one of Databank’s Directors.
The said Nana Poku, who is also from the Akyem Ofori Panyin House, is not only a Director of Databank, but is also the major fund investor.
With a history of being jailed for money laundering (90% of laundered money is drug money), there has been a strong belief, among public opinion that Nana Poku had used his long association with laundered money to raise funds for Akufo-Addo’s campaign.
With Africawatch mentioning the colossal amount of $47million plus, that Databank splashed on the campaign, it cannot be farfetched to presume that a lot of drug money and laundered money went into running the campaign.
Indeed, it is also not a secret that Databank is currently facing serious liquidity problems as a result of reckless spending on that campaign.
Ken Ofori-Atta, Kelly Gadzekpo, Nana Poku and co, were damned sure that Nana Akufo-Addo could become President and reward them with juicy portfolios that will enable them recoup their money and so broke all the rules when it comes to spending.
Indeed, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, Nana Akufo-Addo’s running mate for the 2008 bid, was proposed by Ken Ofori-Atta and the Databank “boys”.
Mr. Yoofi Grant, who was a Special Advisor to Dr. Bawumia, is also one of the Databank “boys”.
Without blinking an eye, Databank spent heavily with the likes of Nana Poku spearheading the sourcing of funds.
With Akufo-Addo already sinking under the heavy weight of being associated with drugs and drug barons, the recent Africawatch report which mentions Databank’s Nana Poku as a person who is associated with laundered money (i.e. drug money), Databank has found itself inexonerably linked to Akufo-Addo’s “rich” drugs history.
However, credible information reaching The Informer has it that the hawks at Data Bank sensing the danger that Nana Poku’s action could make them lose their clientele base has virtually turned media houses into their bed rooms as they appeal to owners of some media houses not allow discussions on the said matter on their networks.
The Informer is also reporting that the Oforipanyin House has become very desperate and worried, as Nana Akufo-Addo continues to sink deeper and deeper into the drugs quicksand.
The Oforipanyin House is so frustrated that Nana Akufo-Addo is not going to be able to free himself from the drugs matters, and this is not auguring well for Akyem-agenda of elevating the Okyenhene over and above Manhyia and all the other Akyem Traditional Areas (Akyem Kotoku and co) in the unlikely event that Akufo-Addo becomes President.
Unfortunately for the Okyenhene, it is his own Akyem subjects who are creating the monstrous unending problems for Akufo-Addo.
Mike Amfo-Kwakye, Gabby Otchere-Darko, Nana Poku, Raymond Amankwah, Ursula Owusu, and Akufo-Addo himself, are the ones creating problems for the NPP flagbearer.
Instead of the Akyem mafia (led by Databank) trying in vain to get media houses not to discuss Akufo-Addo’s drug matters, the Okyenhene should be organising a family meeting and advising his relatives because, they are the ones who have buried their heads and noses deep into barrels of cocaine, tons of wee, and money laundering.
Poor Okyenhene; his dream of being elevated over and above all the other Akyem Traditional Areas, as well as Manhyia is sinking under the heavy weight of Akufo-Addo’s wee and cocaine matters and the otherwise respected Traditional Ruler may end up denting his image just as Akufo-Addo has done his.