You are here: HomeNewsRumor Mill2002 08 15Article 28205

The news on this page is TOLI. Unsubstantiated. No proven facts. Just rumors.

Do you want to tell us your rumours? Has somebody told you that so-and-so minister has stolen $ 100 billion? Did a taxi driver claim to have ferried JJ to the castle?

Drop us email

Rumor Mill of Thursday, 15 August 2002


Source: Gambian man (Germany)

Deportations to Ghana from German Begins

I am from Gambia and live in Berlin, Germany. A childhood friend of mine, without papers (illegally resident in Germany) was issued a passport (travel crtificate) by the Ghana embassy and deported to Ghana on a Ghana Airways flight. This is not good. tell Mr Kufuor to send him back

PS: This mail was edited, since it contained too many spelling & gramatical erros