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Rumor Mill of Wednesday, 1 February 2006


Source: k. a (in egypt)

Duya & handlers are player agents

... sacrificed our trophy for personal benefits
According to an inside source, coach Ratomir Djukovic, assist coach Sly Tetteh and some technical handlers of the national team - black stars - are serving as agents to some of the players on the national team. They went to the nations cup in Egypt for business.

Some national team players got undue play time at the African nations cup, even when it was obvious they were not up to the task. The purpose was to showcase those players to some foreign clubs.

Players like Dramini Himinui, JoeTex Frimpong, and Gabriel Issah & Prince Togoe are being managed by members of the black stars technical team.

  • Dramini Himinui: Dujkovic arranged for his transfer to his home country - Serbia And Montenegro. Now that the Serbian club has disposed of Haminu's services, Djukovic is trying to get him a team.
  • Prince Tagoe: He was put on display for a Saudi club. The transfer to was negotiated by Sly Tetteh, while the nations cup was in progress.
  • Gabriel Issah: also got a deal with a Danish club during the tournament.
  • Joetex Frimpong: Al-Nasr football club of Saudi Arabia has announced taking on Ghanaian international Joetex Frimpong for five months, with a takeover option.... his is enough proof for Ghanaians