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Rumor Mill of Thursday, 12 May 2016


Source: Rockson Adofo

Fatal Lorry Accident Claims Many Lives in Kumawu

Reliable, but shocking information coming from Kumawu has it that a lorry accident has culminated in the deaths of almost all the passengers aboard the vehicle. From many people I have contacted over the phone for confirmation, someone did arrange people from Kumawu to go to Drobonso to register them onto the Voter register on Wednesday 11 May 2016.

On their way back after what clearly constitutes a breach of the electoral rules since the limited voters registration had long been declared as over, the lorry got itself into the reported fatal accident.

More information on the accident will become public in the course of the day. At the moment, there is great wailing going on in Kumawu, according to the people contacted.

The question now being asked by some curious people is, are registrations secretly and dubiously still taking place after the limited registration has been declared closed by the Electoral Commission?