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Rumor Mill of Thursday, 12 August 2004



From SA with money, Mills?

According to THE STATESMAN, since 2002, Prof. Evans Atta Mills has promised his top party members that he was pulling corporate strings in South Africa, through his family contact there to secure funds for this year?s election campaign.

His party members had been frustrated as nothing happened in the last two years.

However unconfirmed report reaching the paper from South Africa, where Prof. Mills is on a visit, suggests that the main presidential challenger for the December polls may have received a huge sums of money from a top-ranking corporate source in South Africa.

According to the paper, one particular source puts the figure up to $1 million, which has been allegedly sourced from two companies with links to the powerful Kebble family.

The person at the head of the alleged funding is the controversial mining magnate and fine art patron, Roger Brett Kebble, 40. The multi-millionaire is a well-known donor to Political Parties.