You are here: HomeNewsRumor Mill2006 04 09Article 102346

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Rumor Mill of Sunday, 9 April 2006


Source: --

GIA: Three CEOs in 24 hours

Three Chief Executive Officers (CEO) have been appointed for Ghana International Airline (GIA) since Friday night.

After the Chief of Staff, Kwadwo Mpianim, allegedly fired Brian Presbury, he immediately appointed K. K. Apeadu to the position. For unknown reasons, the appointemnet was quickly reversed. Next in line for the position was Albert Vitale, an American citizen. He was quickly disposed of and the next in line was Chairman Azu, who was appointed late on Saturday evening.

More rumours

  • Kwadwo Mpianim, who used to work at the National Investment Bank, later tried to set up an airline, which collapsed with heavy debts (details later).

  • Mr Mpianin and some other Govt members have a role in Ghana Tours/Astreaus...investigations are ongoing to determine the exact nature of the role

  • Vice-President of Corporate and Public Affairs of the Ghana International Airline(GIA), Mr Sammy Crabbe, outsourced GIA contract for reservations to his private company - Mary Greenslade ltd - and charged GIA $7 an hour for his 15 employees

  • One of President Kufuor's sons, who was a southwest airlines flight attendant, is one of the managers of GIA.