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Rumor Mill of Sunday, 4 September 2016


Source: Rockson Adofo

Ghanaian Wedded Woman of High Social Standing Engages in Extramarital Affairs

A rumour is rife in London, although limited to a small
circle, that the daughter of a prominent King in Ghana has
done the unthinkable. She has brought disgrace upon the head
and name of her family by not only committing adultery but
also, getting impregnated by another man whilst newly wedded
to another.

During the wedding ceremony of the woman under discussion,
prominent personalities in Ghana, including First Ladies,
present and past Presidents of Ghana, were invited. All
these important persons attended to grace the occasion.

No sooner had the groom and bride tied the knot, been joined
together in the name of God and sworn the wedding oath of
“For Better for Worse” than the bride started her
adulterous flirtations with an extremely rich man (name
withheld) in Ghana behind the back of her husband.

This notorious rich man who is highly known in the political
circles of Ghana and is neck-deep into dodgy activities of
acquiring immense wealth without anyone able to chastise
him, did not hesitate to get her pregnant.

The questions those aware of the situation are asking are:

Where was the husband? Did he leave her in Ghana to return
to London after their wedding and if he did, why? How could
the secret lovebird get access to the woman? Did they know
themselves as secret lovers before she got married to her
new man? In case the secret had not come out, was she going
to give the future child to her wedded man as his biological

Why did the woman do that? Was it for money or what? I know
the person with whom she has had extramarital affairs is
filthy rich. He has his own personal jet. How many rich
people in Ghana have their own jets?

This girl’s father is also very rich and very influential
in Ghana, both in the traditional and public sectors. He has
the ability to make it pass or break. He is friends with the
man who has bonked his daughter and got her pregnant
although she is married to another man.

Is it the case of like father like son or like mother like
daughter? The father is rumoured to be worse than the rabbit
when it comes to bonking. Is it therefore genetic that his
daughter should copy his characteristics hence getting
bonked by another man while remaining newly wedded to
another? I can’t get my head around this.

Following the discovery of her situation, her father has
parted friends with that rich man with whom he had been
friends for very long time. He is worried about the disgrace
that is looming upon his family’s head should the news
become public.

Be it known to him that the news is already out as it is
said, “walls have ears”. Unless the woman aborts the
pregnancy and is accepted back by her real husband, the news
will soon enjoy wide currency. This is pregnancy; the
stomach bulges but does not contract so no matter what, the
secret will fly out of the bag.

Whether the daughter is the real biological child of the
King or she is his adopted child is irrelevant. All that
matters is the King’s daughter by her infidelity has
brought total shame on her parents and family. She might
have been baited with money. If she did not love her groom,
why did she marry him in the first place but only to be
impregnated by another man? What amount of money could her
father not give to her, if she had asked for?

It is sickening but what can you do? She is not the only
Ghanaian woman who has done that. Much as I detest such acts
of infidelity on the part of our Ghanaian women, there is
not much that we can do to whip them into line of good

“Nana, kafra ne annimguase!”