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Rumor Mill of Monday, 15 August 2005


Source: DeepThroat@Florida

Gizelle -Tapes To Be Released on the Internet (0)

Gizelle Yajzi, the former Presidential advisor at the centre of the ?Hotel Kufuor? controversy has promised to release his taped conversation with president Kufuor on the internet.

This was disclosed in a private conversation with this writer by a source very close to Ms. Yajzi.

"Some of the tapes ae very private conversation between her and the president. However, they will go a long way to prove what she has been saying all along" said a source close to the controversial lady.

"This will prove, to the whole world, that she's been telling the truth and President Kufuor and his cronies have been lying." the source continued

According to another source, copies of the tapes have already been made available to the webmaster of the GhanaHomePage (

Webmaster, can you confirm this information?