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Rumor Mill of Tuesday, 17 December 2013



Group accused of plotting Black Star’s defeat

When the head Coach of the US National Team, Jurgen Klinsmann confidently boasted after the 2014 World Cup draw that “Now is the time to beat Ghana,” he might just be stating the obvious as intelligence report intercepted by The Al-Hajj reveals how some US mafia betting syndicates in collaborations with their counterparts in Colombia and Italy have planned to win the game for US at all cost.

The syndicates, who are said to have set aside huge monies for betting in the June 16 first Group G match between Ghana and US at Natal, Brazil have adopted some un-sports-like tactics for the US national team to triumph over Ghana’s Black Stars in order to bag huge profits.

Per information available to this paper, the “let the US win at all cost syndicates” have planned to bribe some key and dependable players of the Black Stars through their agents to fake injuries at the training ground a day or two before the match or play it soft to give the US team an advantage to make their first ever win against the stars after two loses in the 2006 and 2010 world cups respectively.

Ghana is drawn in Group G with Germany, Portugal and USA; the latter has suffered two World cup eliminations in the hands of the Black stars, and this is said to have sparked fresh fears among Americans that the same could be repeated in the 2014 world cup.

But the US coach, Klinsmann in an assurance to fans stated that they must now defeat the Black Stars to prove that they have improved over the past two and half years.

Ghana’s group has been described as a group of death and many football pundits in the country have put out several permutations out of which most of them have concluded that in order for Ghana to advance to the 1/16 stage of the tournament, the Black Stars must beat US and draw or win against Germany or Portugal.

But this paper’s intelligence is that if care is not taken, the idea of beating US and winning or sharing point with either Germany or Portugal could just be a mirage, especially as the syndicates are bent on doing everything possible including bribing the referee if possible to stop the Black Stars from beating the US.

According to our information, though some Ghanaian officials rejected same bribe offer in the FIFA world Youth Championship in Italy (1991) and Malaysia (1997) after they approached them, they believe this time round things may work for them since they could contact both players, their agents and even officials of the match.

Unlike their 1991 and 1997 attempt that they contacted only officials and it backfired, they strongly believe by contacting players and agents, at least they would get few of them to fall to their unethical plot.

Reports are that the syndicates have set their eyes on other matches and would do same just to make huge profits throughout the world cup which kicks off on June 12 and ends on July 13, 2014.