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Rumor Mill of Saturday, 23 October 2004


Source: a. r. harruna attah for accra mail

How's Mills Faring?

Rumour has it that the late Kow Arkaah used to infuriate Rawlings no end from the very beginning of the NDC and NCP relationship.

The EGLE party and the NDC had been cobbled up by people with PNDC connections to act as vehicles fom the "leader of the revolution" to metamorphose from a coup leader into a leader of political parties.

Alongside EGLE and NDC was NCP, another claimant to Nkrumahist glories, but with allegiance to Rawlings and his PNDC.

Mr. Kow Arkaah was the presidential candidate of this NCP; the full name of NCP was National Convention Party. Though it also liked to hark back to CPP days, it saw in Rawlings someone to do business with!

And so Mr. Arkaah agreed to step down as presidential candidate of NCP and became the running mate of Rawlings who by this time had become the presidential candidate of the NDC and EGLE. With NCP now in tow, the ex-Flt. Lt. was able to enter Election '92 as presidential candidate of three political parties!

I believe another little party, DPP was also in some form of alliance with the NDC.

But anyway, someone told me that the PNDC, NDC, EGLE and NCP leader used to get extremely irritated when he saw television pictures of Arkaah addressing political rallies. It may be apocryphal, but I understand he would grunt at such pictures and say "that's my crowd " or words to that effect.

The relationship unsurprisingly could not last and fell apart when things came to a head and Kow Arkaah was pummeled by his president the rest is history - infamous history.

I just got to wondering how Mills too has been faring. Whose crowds has he been addressing on his campaign rounds? His or his benefactor's? Things are getting curiouser and curiouser!