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Rumor Mill of Friday, 14 March 2003


Source: Dominic Atuahene (emailed by TB)

Is Attorney General really from Kyebi? (0)

All must congratulate the NPP on their well-stolen by-election at Wulensi and ponder the wider meaning and implications of this brazen act of theft from the NDC. As is the norm with them, the NPP are blaming the NDC for teaching them how to steal an election. We fear however the looming confusion and anger that this singular act, following on the heels of the Bimbilla and Dagbon affairs, will have on our body politic. One thing, however, is clear and the signs are on the wall for many of the NPP MPs who are jubilating over the Wulensi stolen verdict.

The ruling by the Supreme Court on the eligibility of Samuel Nyimakan will soon come to haunt the elephants even as we learn that some in the Castle are contemplating using same to unseat the Attorney-General as the Abuakwa Central MP in order to remove him as a credible challenger to JAK's preferred successor as NPP presidential candidate. You see Mr Editor, the truth fo the matter is that Nana Addo's mother comes from Abomosu in the Atiwa constituency even though she parades as a queen of Kyebi whilst his father, late President Edward Akufo-Addo, came variously from Aburi, Obosomase and Tutu but lies buried at Akropong. It is the father of the Queen of Kyebi who came from Kyebi. of course, all of us know that Nana Addo is not ordinarily domiciled at Kyebi so the Wulensi/Nyimakan ruling catches him squarely on all fours, as the lawyers will say.

When this case goes to the courts, counsel for the Electoral Commission will be the Attorney-General, then we shall have some real fun in this country! The question is, na who cause am?