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Rumor Mill of Thursday, 23 June 2005



Is Ghana Embassy in Washington DC closed?

There is this information going around that the embassy of Ghana in Washington is getting on some people's nerves. Is there any other victim here? Or has our embassy been running as smoothly and efficiently as other embassies in the United States? An enquiring mind wants to know.

It appears some Ghanaians are being mistreated or mishandled. One of them has remarked, "I think it's about time we marched to the office in Washington to make sure good service is rendered to Ghanaians and travelers seeking to visit Ghana."

What's going on here? Can somebody familiar with the operations of the embassy help us here?

The complainant continued, "Summer 2002 I was made to pay an additional amount of $2000.00 to connect my NorthWest/KLM flight with Kenya Airways to get me and my wife to Accra. All for the silly negligence of the visa section of the Embassy. The embassy had delayed in processing our visa thereby creating a whole mess in our entire journey to Ghana. Our visa arrived the day after our scheduled time and upon consulting the ticket office we were offered to travel to Amsterdam with an unconfirmed onward flight for Accra. The chance is 50/50, which was why we paid the $2000.00 to get us on Kenya Airways. Fortunately for us this visa was a multiple so we would not need their services for the next three years for me and five years for my wife.

This year 2005, the Embassy has not improved upon anything. I have submitted my application three weeks now and I don't know my fate. I have called the office and there is no one to talk to. All one hears is an answering machine. I have left messages upon messages and have not received any response. What can we do to curb this situation?

The Enquiring mind would like to know what's going on at Ghana Embassy in DC.