You are here: HomeNewsRumor Mill2004 12 03Article 71034

The news on this page is TOLI. Unsubstantiated. No proven facts. Just rumors.

Do you want to tell us your rumours? Has somebody told you that so-and-so minister has stolen $ 100 billion? Did a taxi driver claim to have ferried JJ to the castle?

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Rumor Mill of Friday, 3 December 2004


Source: Palaver

Is it true...

? That a girl, called Gifty, has been abandoned at the Plastics Surgery Ward at the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, after being nocked down by a Presidential convoy, eight months ago and that all attempts by the parents to get the authorities to simply take a look at the victim have been ignored by the authorities, leaving the parents to struggle to take care of this little child, always seen drenched in tears? ?

That President J. A. Kufuor will be running in-between all-night Christian prayers sessions, with fast trips to Togo to perform juju-rituals, during the last days to the elections and that a helicopter will be standing by for such missions, as the latest signals from his friend, on the other side of the border, can hardly set his mind at ease?