You are here: HomeNewsRumor Mill2004 03 10Article 53515

The news on this page is TOLI. Unsubstantiated. No proven facts. Just rumors.

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Rumor Mill of Wednesday, 10 March 2004



Is it true that ...

Pursuant to the NPP agenda to "poach" losing NDC primaries candidates (see 'Ghana Palaver Intelligence column of last Friday issue) and sponsor them as EGLE Party candidates in order to split NDC votes in the forthcoming Parliamentary elections, the joint Task Force set up between the NPP and the rump of the EGLE executive set up for the purpose led by the EGLE National Organizer has already visited Sogakope and some constituencies in Accra and plan to remove Mr. Letso and others whom they see as stumbling blocks on the way to the fulfilment of their diabolical agenda?

*The NPP was the beneficiary to the tune of =A21.5 billion of the arms, ammunition and other weaponry recently imported into the country under strange circumstances, "awkwardly" cleared by non-service personnel and stored in a civilian residential area, and that the source of the importation has been traced to Israel and the names of one member of the NRC and one member of the Council of State have been mentioned in connection with the deal?

*Tension is brewing in the Ghana Armed Forces over the way and manner former President Rawlings and his men are being treated by the Kufuor administration and that some junior ranks demonstrated their solidarity with the former President during his appearance at the National Reconciliation Commission (NRC) by putting themselves on "red alert" in their barracks for any eventuality in case anything untoward happened to the ex-President during the period of his appearance?

*The NPP has planned to feed NDC registration and polling assistants and agents with sleeping tablets through the device of offering to share their food and drinks with them during the registration and voting exercises by serving them the most sumptuous of meals and generally pretending to the NDC agents to be exceedingly "Good Samaritans" who have finally found the "milk of human kindness" flowing through their veins, and is it true also that there is another plan to entice leading NDC organizer's in the Eastern Region with money to defect to the NPP?