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Rumor Mill of Tuesday, 13 July 2004


Source: Palaver

Is it true that

*A certain garrulous Member of Parliament (MP) representing the NPP in one of the Central Region constituencies who is fond of shooting off his mouth foolishly on a particular Akan language FM station against members of the leading opposition party, who has been accused of being a cocaine dealer and whose father was arrested by the police in connection with fraudulent USA visa deals not too long ago, actually used to work at the Embassy of the USA where he himself was a known visa contractor and who, for US$5,000 would manage to procure a multiple-entry USA visa for the applicant and for US$2,500 would manage a single-entry USA visa for the applicant and that having entered Parliament, he taught his aged father the tricks of the business which business the father was engaged in when he was arrested by the police?

*As part of a serious disinformation propaganda campaign being waged by the NPP, a fake so-called 1992 propaganda pamphlet falsely attributed to the NDC at the time and containing the vilest and most violent incitement material has been produced by the NPP, including material such as NDC causing trouble during the elections, employing wee smokers from Nima to fight and injure supporters of the NPP to cause embarrassment to the NDC, engaging the wretched of the earth, drunkards and hot-tempered, good-for-nothing layabouts to terrorise and put fear into the opposition, and that one Mohammed, the younger brother of a Minister from the Greater Accra Region has been moving from village to village spreading this disinformation and false propaganda and leaving the pamphlet behind as evidence of NDC bad faith, that he has already done his propaganda damage in seven regions, leaving only the three northern sector regions where in addition to the "bogus and fraudulent" pamphlet that he is distributing, he has another pamphlet, this time with hate messages attributed to the Andanis and inciting the Abudus and other Northern ethnic groups against the Andanis?