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The news on this page is TOLI. Unsubstantiated. No proven facts. Just rumors.

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Rumor Mill of Friday, 23 January 2004



Is it true that…

Part of the British Government funding of the Ghana Police Service is being used by the NPP Government to train the Party’s para-military unit which they intend to unleash on the people during this year’s elections?

*There is this loud-mouthed NPP MP, a serial caller to the FM stations and sometimes a panelist, who is a cocaine dealer known to the law enforcement agencies but who are deferring to him out of respect for his status, that out of the illicit cocaine dealings he has built a shell station which is anything but Holy and which is definitely not made of wood, that he has also built six houses into which he has installed his six different girlfriends, that he undertakes sex orgies with the likes of Zulueta’s boy-friend, the "Bad Dancer", and the one with a male Friday born first name and a surname like the Executive Director of the ECA minus the "ko" at the end, that the three are also involved in visa contracting deals with the owner of the super which doesn’t care, for which they charge $5,000 per applicant and also teamed up in other fraudulent deals such as the nation’s now abandoned flagship Ambassador Hotel?

The four greatest spenders in the NPP Government who are spending state money as if it were their private family monies and without regard to whether the revenue is available or not in order of their spending are:

? Dr. Mr. J. A. Kufuor – President

? Dr Kwame Addo-Kufuor – Minister of Defence

? Peter Ala Adjetey – Speaker of Parliament

? Dr. Kofi Konadu Apraku – Minister of Regional Integration

Leading soothsayers and mallams from the West African sub region have been gathered in the private residence of President J. A. Kufuor where they are slaughtering sheep, fowls, cows and other animals, jumping over blood and dancing in blood, all as part of the rituals for a Kufuor victory in this year’s elections and is it also true that as part of these rituals, there are plans to spiritually eliminate NDC organizers and campaigners especially in the Volta Region in order to disable them from participating in the campaign?

The NPP Government’s special forensic auditing of the performance and financial management of the PNDC/NDC Governments revealed nothing negative but they have deliberately kept quiet about it, because of their earlier pronouncements that the NDC Ministers/leaders were corrupt and also because they believe it will boost the chances of the NDC in 2004, besides resurrecting the issue raised by Professor Mills about how much all those forensic audits have cost and whether there has been any value for money for the country arising out of those audits?