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Rumor Mill of Wednesday, 12 March 2014


Source: Al-Hajj

JM’s gov’t Under threat of possible destabilization

Clamor for Ukraine-style regime Change

Very credible intelligence picked up by the al-hajj foreshadows an elaborate but wicked plot by some like-minded ghanaians to push the country into a ukraine/egypt-like regime change using the ‘power’ of the masses.

Checks by this paper indicate that though those behind this dastardly and treacherous act began harboring this plot immediately after the announcement of the results of the 2012 presidential election, they operated on a low key.

And have since the verdict by the supreme court on august 29, 2013 intensified it even as they are yet to mass up as a group to carry out their wicked intentions.

The agenda of these people according to a very dependable source with bias in security matters is to whip up public resentment against the mahama government, painting it with the dark brush of corruption, incompetence, nepotism and tribalism.

As these allegations gather momentum by the day through social media and mainstream media, persons behind it are expected to soon instigate an egypt or ukraine style of protests leading to occupation of government buildings, offices and strategic locations to forcefully demand a change in government.

It emerged during the investigations that while some of the people desirous to see ghanaians mimic their colleagues in egypt and ukraine have political leanings towards opposition political groupings in the country, others are not known core political activists but occupy privileged and sensitive positions in ghanaian society and are disappointed with the supreme court ruling.

They therefore relish the destabilization of the infant mahama administration, even if that would mean the disruption of the democratic environment that we have labored to nurture for over two decades now.

The al-hajj has gathered that these people who cut across the country’s socio-political strata such as religion, professionals, academia, csos and unions are peeved at what they see as being under the specter of john mahama’s presidency until 2017.

Though it is not yet established if this move to replay a ghanaian version of the egypt/ukraine insurrection is directly linked with the opposition npp’s pledge to cause disaffection for the president, sources say it is the expectations of these groups that having led the country on this path, some disgruntled security service officials may intervene and forcefully remove president mahama from power as happened in egypt.

Information gathered by this paper suggests that the ‘insurgents’ want to exhibit their wicked ploy in a manner that even some members of the ruling government would buy into their agenda, and won’t hesitate to give it their support.

Some religious heads and security experts have been predicting violent disruption of the country’s democratic dispensation if steps are not taken to deal with the rising issues of youth unemployment, economic hardship, corruption and growing inequality which have gained grounds in recent times.

Those behind this nation-wrecking and treacherous move championed by persons from academia, supposed impartial socio-economic and political experts, religious heads obsessed with the toppling of the mahama administration, are on daily basis haggling for platforms to run down government, create animosity and paint a gloomy picture of a leaderless nation under president mahama.

It all began on the night of december 31, 2012 with the general overseer of lighthouse chapel international, bishop heward mills, just three weeks after dr afari gyan of the ec announced the results of the 2012 presidential election, even before president-elect, john mahama was sworn into office on january 7, 2013.

Though president mahama’s predecessors, former presidents rawlings, kufuor and late john mills all had their fair share of vicious ‘attacks’ from critics and civil society groups, it does not compare to what is been done to president mahama. In the case of president mahama, he was not even allowed to be sworn into office. Seven days to his investiture, bishop heward mills at a watch night service began inciting ghanaians to hit at the then president-elect to start delivering on the promises outlined in the ndc’s 2012 manifesto.

The man of god while preaching forcefully asked the yet-to-be-sworn-in government of john mahama to hurry up and fulfill all the promises he has made to ghanaians during the electioneering campaign.

Bishop dag heward-mills in the said sermon and with a loud voice reminded president john mahama that ghanaians are expecting him to fulfill the numerous promises he made to the electorates in the run-up to the 2012 elections.

He began by cataloguing some of the promises including the full implementation of the free universal basic education, free senior high school in 2016 as well as the construction of 200 shs.

He also catalogued among others his promises on sada, kumasi jute factory, youth employment, gas pipeline and one time nhis premium. “and also you said you will give us a strong currency that would not deflate or inflate between now and two thousand and whatever, which used to be 1:1, it is now to 100 percent devaluation. So we want strong currency, single digit inflation, and 8 per cent gdp growth rate; these are your promises, just implement and serve to us. We are waiting, that is all,” the bishop said. This was to follow another instance of the diabolic agenda of discrediting and eventually toppling the mahama administration, the intense and unguided assaults on the nation’s supreme court justices by notables in the ghanaian society including lawyers who had scores to settle with the law lords for adjudicating the novel election petition case in favor of president mahama; the ec and the ruling party. The most vilified in this campaign has been justice william atuguba, who was the president of the court during the petition hearing and who like president mahama hails from the north.

These attacks on the justices was also intersperse with ridiculous allegations in the media that president mahama through the asantehene, otumfuo osei tutu ii bribed the justices to deny the petitioners victory in the case. Whiles the lawyers were on their image smearing campaign, sermons (though not directly) of a president and government steep in corruption and sleaze and a leaderless nation by notable religious leaders including the presbyterian moderator, obuasi and kumasi methodist bishops, the mensa otabils, owusu bempahs and the likes were afloat.

The moderator of the general assembly of the presbyterian church of ghana, the right reverend professor emmanuel mantey, for example has continually bemoaned the high level of corruption, indiscipline and low moral values in society as if these vices started under mahama. What worried him most, he says was that about 70% of the country’s population and majority of its leaders were christians.

This, in his view, suggested that “there were either no christians in the country, or they were simply not living up to the true principles and values of their faith,” he said.

On his part, renowned man of god, pastor mensa otabil few days ago spoke forcefully against what he sees as the nation’s preponderance of turning everything into jokes. This was in an apparent response to the use of the infamous local catchphrase ‘tweaa’ comment by the president when he delivered the 2014 state of the nation address to the august house of parliament. This is in spite of the fact nearly half of his (otabil’s) sermons is usually intersperse with anecdotes and jokes. At a seminar last week, mensa otabil said: “one district chief executive makes a comment which we should be angry about, but it has become a national joke and we just carry on and on and on and i’m wondering, what is wrong with us? Can’t we for once be serious and face life and stop joking. “we’re polluting ourselves. We have issues we can’t solve. We have problems we can’t solve. We are overwhelmed all around us, yet we have a lot of time to joke and to laugh and to act as if this is the most normal environment to live in.” The man of god said.

As part of the wider plot, the founder and leader of glorious word ministry international, rev. Isaac owusu bempah predicted last year that ghana’s current president, john dramani mahama will die before the end of that year, unless the president and his advisers take steps to reverse it.

According to rev bempah, the earth-shattering prophesy was revealed to him on the night of december 31, 2012 and he announced it at the church’s end of year service.

He however, bemoaned his inability to meet the president and inform him about the dark cloud hanging over his head and the necessary steps to be taken to avert the looming disaster.

Deliberate antagonistic verdicts clothed in analysis, and or comments by supposed impartial commentators and so-called experts turned-politicians, the likes of the lloyd amoahs, sydney casley-hayfords, lawyers dr. Maurice ampaws/sam okudjeto, prof amoako baah of knust, the ransford gyampoh of the university of ghana, imanis, ghana center for freedom and accuracy, afag and ghana medical association among others continue unabated. Stay tuned.