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Rumor Mill of Wednesday, 26 September 2007


Source: lens

K4 Undergoes Treatment Abroad For Poisoning?

Our people say that, “wo tu edro boni a, kakra ka w’nu”, to wit, he who administer a bitter medicine invariably gets a taste of the medicine he administers.

When a man is not sick, yet you get your media hounds to go trumpeting that the man is sick, you only estop yourself from being known to be sick when you fall sick.

For this reason, K4 has had to run out of the country, under the guise of attending to important national matters in Canada, to secretly undergo medical treatment abroad.

Recent media reports say that K4 may have been poisoned during his tour of parts of the northern parts of the country.

As for me, uncle JB, I don’t know oo.

All that I know is that for one whole week K4 appears to have vanished from the surface of the earth. All the engagements that we were told that he was going to be engaged in were mysteriously cancelled, and all efforts to get an official explanation from the Ministry of Information have met with a rather tellingly loud silence.

You see how the wicked fall on their own swords?

Since the narcotic peddlers party and their media acolytes sought to make their falsely created health status of Atta Mills an issue and to suggest, therefore, that he cannot become a President, they are now afraid to openly admit that Atta Ayi K4 is sick and has had to undergo medical treatment, lest people use their own logic and start to ask that Atta Ayi K4 should resign. Otswea!!!