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Rumor Mill of Monday, 23 August 2004



Kufuor, Gifty Anti, Oboshie Sai........Love Triangle?

Is it true that .

.... A most embarrassing scene occurred during the recent African Union Summit held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, when the lady broadcaster who has turned her programme on national television into a propaganda showpiece for the ruling NPP Government and who is alleged to have once ?sexed? an NDC MP from the Eastern Region to his death and is currently suspected to be having a dalliance with you know who, refused to accept the accommodation arrangements made for her outside the hotel where you know who was staying, abandoned her hotel and moved her things into the hotel where you know who was staying and insisted on being assigned a room in that hotel where she would be closer to you know who, and in the process insisted that the daughter of the mother who is in charge of the Office that is designed to ensure that people are not accountable and who was staying at the hotel where you know who was staying should be reassigned to another hotel so that she the lady broadcaster would occupy her room, that this demand the daughter of the non-accountability mother found outrageous, that one thing led to another, and before one could say ?Jack?, come and see insults, then blows, and blows, and blows, and with the embarrassment so total and complete, the Ghanaian members of the delegation who were around showed a clean pair of heels, leaving it to the poor Ethiopian hotel workers and security men and women to separate the great fight which one of the Ghanaian watchers described to an undercover ?Ghana Palaver? snooper as the ?Battle for Recognition??