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Rumor Mill of Monday, 7 February 2005


Source: DeepThroat@Ministry

Kufuor To Withdraw Anane's Nomination(1)

President Kufuor is expected to withdraw the nomination of Dr Richard Anane as the minister of road and transport, by Friday.

This is due to the embarrassing allegations that came out during his vetting. The 50-year-old, widely perceived as the pet of the President, is also believed to have lied under oath, which is a serious crime punishable by a minimum of 4-years in jail.

The Minister designate confessed to remitting about six to ten thousand pounds to an American woman with whom he had a baby boy, contrary to confirmed reports that he had sent over $90,000.

?There are plans to play another ?Bamba? on the people of Ghana, i.e. no prosecution only denial,? said an administration official, speaking on the condition of anonymity.

?The idea of the withdrawal is to turn the public focus away from the minister. After six months, when the heat has died down, Dr. Anane will be sent to Canada to replace Odoi-Sykes as the Ghana High commissioner? the source continued