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Rumor Mill of Wednesday, 1 December 2004


Source: Democrat

Kufuor's Serial Murderer

...he led the killings of 1999-2001

The Democrat -- After months of pain-staking investigations and interviews, the DEMOCRAT is today exposing the leader of the serial killing gang, which serially killed 34 Ghanaian women between 1999-2001.

He is in the person of Nana Wiafe Ababio, Chief Executive Officer of the Ghana Cylinder Manufacturing Company, which is located on the Spintex road near Tema.

Wiafe Ababio, who is reported to be the nephew of Mr. J.A. Kufuor, is not exactly until he took charge of the serial killings was a taxi driver in Chicago in the United States of America.

What could have made Kufuor entrust the Cylinder Company into the hands of this semi-illiterate!

The answer, dear is simple, his position as C.E.O of the Gas Company is a golden handshake from Kufuor for the serial killing of women he carried out for the NPP which compelled many Ghanaians to turn against the NDC and vote the NPP into power.

The Board Chairman of the Cylinder Company is Harona Esseku, National Chairman of the NPP.

Because of the job he had done for the NPP, Wiafe Ababio has not only been given the C.E.O post but has also become an untouchable. As a result even though he has virtually collapsed the company, he has neither been questioned, reprimanded, suspended or dismissed lest he squeals and put Prez.Kufuor and his gang in trouble.

From sometime in August/September last year, the DEMOCRAT began to track down the Nana Wiafe Ababio after a member of his gang revealed (to the paper) that one Nana Wiafe Ababio led the serial killing.

The gang member's descriptions led to the C.E.O Chairman whom we directly accused of being the one who carried out the killing on behalf of Kufuor and Co as narrated to us by the gang member who is hiding in Europe.

Rather strangely, Wiafe Ababio did not bother with our accusations even though it was a heinous crime (the murder of 34 women) any innocent person, accused of this crime would have raised hell.

Weeks of bombardment about he being the leader of the serial killing gang saw the man unmoved. This heightened our suspicion as it fits into the NPP policy of keeping quiet no matter the provocation if the accuser is right.

This technique has been adopted very effectively by Kufuor's nephew, Dr. Richard Anane, Minister for Roads and Transport, who kept silent after being exposed as having seduced a young American woman, given birth with her and refusing to look after the mother and child.

This same technique had been adopted by Kufuor in the issue of his adulterous relationship with Mrs. Gizelle Yazji, a foreign diplomat in Ghana resulting in the birth of John & Philip Kufuor.

Wiafe Ababio used this silent policy to keep the DEMOCRAT at bay but this paper continued to pound him.

As the house tread Wiafe Ababio's neck began to tighten, he must have gone to his paymasters (Kufuor and co) who managed to find an alibi for him, that is, that he was not in the country at the time the killings were going on.

Passports may have been changed and dates also changed at the Ghana Immigration service because recently, when the editor of this paper went to speak to Wiafe Ababio, he was more interested in proving that at the time of the killing, he was not in the country.

"You can check my passport and check at the Immigration. I was not in the country when those incidents took place," he told the editor.

A few days later, when the Deputy Editor phoned him and accused him of being behind the killings on the orders of Kufuor, rather than denying the allegations and even get angry which will have been naturally, his only reply which was "you can come and check my passport and check at the immigration. I was not in the country at the time of the killings. If you say I am guilty, meet me at the Central Police station" was his answer.

It is obvious that he had been coached to use the passport and the immigration issue to justify that he couldn't have been the killer since he was outside the country.

It is also obvious that he had been told to be firm and stand his ground. Ghanaians should however be asking what qualification this taxi driver had to earn him the C.E.O job of Ghana Cylinder Manufacturing Company.

Secondly, how come in the face of the fact that he has virtually collapsed the company, he hasn't even been questioned?

Our source, the member of the serial killing gang, told us that Wiafe Ababio was the operator who lead the killings on behalf of Kufuor. He said Wiafe Ababio was present when two Malian Mallams performed rituals in Kufuor's house in Kufuor's presence to spiritual bury Rawlings.

But, it was not only killings and the dumpings of the bodies that Wiafe Ababio carried out for Kufuor.

He also led in the carting of guns in 2001from a house in Kasoa, owned by Hon.Gladys Asmah to warehouse at East Legon, owned by a Cabinet Minister in Kufuor's government.

The DEMOCRAT has tried to convince the man who is making all the revelations to come down in Ghana to make the Ghanaian public aware but he says he knows with Kufuor in power, he'll be killed.

DEMOCRAT itself has come under several attacks since it started this story. One of the tools the Kufuor government is trying to use is the police - the police will invite the DEMOCRAT, listen to the story and after that discredit it or the police will be used to intimidate the DEMOCRAT.

It is obvious also that the CID boss, David Apeatu, anxious to be in the good books of Kufuor has not told Ghanaians all that he knows about the serial killings even though his investigations have led to the arrest of Charles Quansah who has since been jailed.

Ghanaians want to know the following from the CID boss:

(i) How did Charles Quansah carry out the killings alone?

(ii) How did Charles Quansah outwit the entire national security apparatus?

(iii) Why were the condoms that were been left around the bodies unused ones.

(iv) Did medical examination indicate that the women were raped before killed?

(v) How many women were killed? Ghanaians want the exact figure.

(vi) How many of the bodies have been identified and collected.

(vii) If Charles Quansah carried out the killings alone after raping the women did he have to use more than two condoms on each woman (about 5 condoms were found around each body)

(viii) Since newspaper and police reports indicate that the women were killed elsewhere and the bodies dumped at the sites where they were found, which car did Charles Quansah use in the operation if he acted alone?

It seems the CID boss himself has either done a shoddy job or is hiding away facts that will incriminate the people who employed him.

Meanwhile, the DEMOCRAT is aware of attempts by certain elements within the government and the National Security to harm the editor, Deputy editor and News Editor of the paper. Even the hired distributor of the paper, a young man called Opare has been targeted.

Stay tuned for more!