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Rumor Mill of Tuesday, 10 June 2014


Source: Al-Hajj

Le Baron Owner begins singing


Akin to the widely-known saying that “old men quiver at the mention of dry bones,” big shots of the opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP) in the loop of the globally abhorred drug trade are running for cover following reports that the busted owner of Le Baron Hotel, David Kwadwo Anim, has begun “singing like a canary”

With intense fear gripping the biggest opposition party over the arrest of one of its numerous notorious drug baron financiers, stalwarts of the elephant fraternity with hands deeply soaked in the illicit drug business and strong ties with the busted drug baron, are having sleepless night over David Anim’s arrest and confessions.

But as the NPP heavyweights live in their world of fear, impeccable information chanced on by The aL-hAJJ indicates that security officials in the UK, especially MI5 and MI6 in consultation with the government of Ghana and the Judiciary in the coming days would begin extradition proceedings for some leading opposition figures captured on video recording with the owner of Le Baron Hotel. Apparently, UK officials trailing the busted NPP financier posed as drug dealers and sat in deliberations at various locations in the capital city including the East Legon based plush hotel and Labone where discussions on importation and re-exportation of narcotic were held.

Unknown to these politicians and barons who sat in the meetings, the UK officials filmed all their meetings and that contributed to the arrest of the Mpraeso-born NPP financier, who is on record to have donated 100 motorbikes to Nana Akufo-Addo’s 2012 campaign.

To help rid Ghana of drug barons hiding under the cloaks of politicians and businessmen, the UK officials, a source told The aL-hAJJ have submitted names of politicians, mostly from the NPP and their allies in the business and manufacturing world among which included a loud-mouth legislator who prides himself as financier of NPP.

Mr David Anim was on April 26, 2014 busted at Heathrow Airport in London for alleged drug trafficking and money laundering offences. Media reports after his arrest revealed that he was a card-bearing member of the NPP and indeed, a close ally of Nana Akufo-Addo who contributed to his campaigns.

But the twice-defeated presidential candidate caused his office to deny his association with him, stating “…statements are nothing but lies and deliberate fabrications designed in a desperate attempt to tarnish, once again, the image of Nana Akufo-Addo. Mr. David Anim is not a friend of Nana Akufo-Addo. Indeed, Nana Akufo-Addo does not recollect ever having met him. The alleged donation of US$2 million to the campaign of Nana Akufo-Addo, as reported by the paper, is also a big lie.”

Just as the matter was about to be laid to rest, a well-known braggart and NPP Member of Parliament for Assin Central, Kennedy Ohene Agyapong, announced the busted drug baron was a financier of the party, and indeed, he donated 100 motorbikes to Nana Akufo-Addo’s 2012 campaign.

Mr Agyepong, who has been constantly accused by his opponents of dealing in drugs, however, denied that David Anim contributed $2 million to NPP’s 2012 campaign, but admitted the busted drug baron donated motorbikes.

Before Nana Akufo-Addo could clear his name after Kennedy Agyepong’s expose, media reports abound of how the former Abuakwa South MP, the Assin Central MP and other unnamed persons, but believed to be big shots of the NPP had meetings with David Anim and some drug barons at his hotel to strategize on how to fund the party’s 2012 election.