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Rumor Mill of Sunday, 16 March 2003


Source: BBK

MINISTER Grace Coleman for Riad Hozaifeh? (1)

A quiet diplomatic row is reportedly brewing between Accra and Washington. As was the case during Rawlings' tenure where Soussoudis was exchanged for Adu-Gyamfi and company, Political Observers are surmising that Kufuor clumsily believes he could use Riad Hozaifeh to resolve Minister Grace Coleman's Indictment in the USA.It will be recalled that a Federal Indictment awaits Deputy Minister Grace Coleman for Slavery and Visa Fraud in the USA.

Riad Hozaifeh, the friend of JJRawlings, former President of The Republic of Ghana is still languishing in police cell. He was named by Kwaku Baako during Baako's appearance at the NRC. Subsequently, the police made a trumped up charge of possession of firearm against him. Hozaifeh has embarked on hunger strike, for the past two days, neither drinking water nor taking food. The situation has alarmed International Bodies and foreign governments. The US Embassy is reported to be studying Hozaifeh's case closely.

Meanwhile the NPP government is intent on throwing dust in the eyes of the public claiming Riad Hozaifeh has been granted Self Recognizance Bail as was printed in the latest report out in print thus:

"The Police Administration said it "would want to emphasize that the investigation has nothing to do with the current Reconciliation process." The statement said Riad had been granted self-recognizance bail while investigation continues."

Kufuor has worn out his welcome in America and that could explain his current invitation to London for a behind the door face to face "talk-true" session with Tony Blair and company at the behest of Washington!