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Rumor Mill of Saturday, 14 May 2016


Source: Tsi-Tsi Mashinini (Uhuru Times)

Mahama Dodges Kwame Mayor

Ghana's President, His Excellency, John Dramani Mahama did not reply to Kwame Mayor's Peace Summit request to meet with Opposition Leader, Nana Akuffo Addo ---> a Peace Summit the Leader of Ghanaians Abroad Coalition (GAC), voluntarily requested to meet with the President, Opposition Leader, Nana Akuffo Addo, and other Political Leaders, while he was in Ghana.

Meanwhile, the Charismatic Politician, Kwame Mayor, who was recently interrogated by a Police Man in Ghana, who saw him holding a copy of His Excellency President John Mahama's Best Seller Book --- "My First Coup D'etat", in which the President of Ghana himself had signed his name as an Autograph, and written : "To: Kwame Boateng, aka "Kwame Mayor", Warmest Compliment", when the Intellectual Politician bought the Book, and met the President at his prestigious Alma Mater, University of Southern California (USC) --- has publicly reminded Ghanaians around the World, and the International Community that a (few) Agents of Terror, or Satanic Enemies of Democracy spying on him for the ruling government of Ghana --- (in their collaboration with Alqueda, and ISIS Terrorist Agents who have infiltrated into FBI, CIA, and other Terrorist Spying Organizations, who are Hi-Tech Savages terrorizing innocent Americans, and other Nationalities on American Soil, and in Ghana --- just because they want to make Money from Corrupt Nation Looters who are Enemies of Democracy, and Enemies of Ghana, savagery interrogated him ironically on American Soil, for quoting United States President Barack Obama : ---

"If you don't know (Obama), ask Osama", and his (own) quote : "If you don't know Kwame Mayor, ask former Libya's Dictator, Mu'ammer Gaddafi", and "if you don't know Kwame Mayor, ask former Ivorian President Laurent Gbagbo"

"White House, and United Nations (U.N.) cannot deny the truth, and nothing but the truth, that Kwame Mayor's published Intellectual Article "Moral basis for United States Military intervention in Libya to oust Mu'ammer Gaddafi --- (in order to save lives" !!!), which he sent copies Electronically to the White House, U.N., Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Ghanaweb, African Diolomacy, etc, etc, and faxed a copy to U.S.
State Department, when Mrs Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, actually inspired President Barack Obama's White House to announce "Moral basis for United States' Intervention in Libya, in order to save lives !!!".

"And White House, and United Nations ( U.N.) cannot deny that Kwame Mayor's
published Article captioned "48 Hours Ultimatum to Ivorian President, Laurent Gbagbo to relinquish Power, or face bombardment in his hide-out, in order to save lives !!!", which he sent copies Electronically to the White House, U.N., Los Angeles Times, New York Times, African Diplomacy, Ghana News Agency (GNA), and Ghanaweb, etc, etc, actually inspired White House to give "Green-light" to France, and U.N. to bombard the hide-out of Gbagbo, within the 48 hours ultimatum he (Kwame Mayor) issued.

Returning to the story of being interrogated by a Police Man in Ghana for holding His Excellency, President Barack Obama's Best Seller Book "My First Coup D'etat", Kwame Mayor said on the same day, and a few hours later, in Kumasi, Ashanti Region --- a well educated Soldier who stared at the President's Book, and was given the opportunity by the Scholary Politician to read its Chapters, remarked that it was strange that the Police Officer became suspicious over the title of the President's Book, but noted that whereas some Officers are well educated, others unfortunately are not well educated".

It should be noted that a (few) Agents of Terror, or Enemies of Democracy, who are also, dangerous Enemies of United States, and Enemies of Ghana, spying on Kwame Mayor for some Government Terrorist Spying Agencies, which are Enemies of Human Rights --- (just because they want to make Money from Corrupt Nation Looters), savagery interrogated him on American Soil, claiming that they received orders from some People within the ruling government of Ghana, for quoting United States' President Barack
Obama : "If you don't know (Obama), ask Osama", and his own quote : " If you don't know Kwame Mayor, ask former Libya's Dictator, Mu'ammer Gaddafi", and also, if you don't know Kwame Mayor, ask former Ivorian President Laurent Gbagbo"

In full details of the story, it should be notedthat Ghana's President, His Excellency John Mahama, who always responded to Kwame Mayor's Electronic Mails, after exchanging Electronic Mails --- this time, ironically, did (not) respond to the Ghanaian-born "America's Mandela" Electronic Mails when he (Kwame Mayor) was in Ghana, and sent several Electronic Mails in April 2016, and other Electronic Mails in June 2016 to (His Excellency, John Mahama), in which he (Kwame Mayor) repeatedly reminded the President about his plans to schedule Peace Meeting between His Excellency President John Mahama, and Opposition Leader, Nana Akuffo Addo, and other Political Leaders

The Scholary Politician also sent copies of his Peace Meeting plans to NDC, and NPP Electronic Mails --- (and again, to His Excellency, President John Mahama's Private Email), reminding Ghana's President, His Excellency, John Mahama, about the need for such a (Peace meeting) for the sake of ensuring Peace in Ghana

Still, His Excellency, President John Mahama did (not) reply to Kwame Mayor, who stated his Telephone number in Ghana in his Electronic Mail to the President

" It's interesting to note that Otumfour, His Royal Majesty, Osei Tutu II --- (the undeniable King of Ghana, whose Kingdom once stretched throughout Ghana as British Archives, and Wikipedia provide Geographical, and Empirical Evidence, who dances "Yentie Obiara" with His Excellency, John Mahama, and Communicates with the President, even though the ruling government has still not purchased Royal Jet One for the King, which he
(Kwame Mayor) suggested in one of his published Articles) --- a few days ago,
called for a Peace Meeting for all Political Leaders, through playing Golf"

" My Strategic Ideas still rule Ghana", said Kwame Mayor, [still], a real CPP Comrade who has called for immediate Nationwide Young Pioneers to promote Democratic Nkrumaism, and who like his
Hero, Ghana's First President Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, is definitely a "Political Showman", who will cleverly dance with NPP, NDC, NDP, or any Political Party, for the sake of winning their Souls, and Hearts for a future United African States (UAS), or, Union of Democratic Socialist African Republics (UDSAR)

Source : Uhuru Times

----> Signed for release : " Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah Boateng, "Kwame Mayor"

---> Telephone (+562) 489-4010 USA

---> Email: [email protected]