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Rumor Mill of Wednesday, 10 April 2002


Source: [email protected]

Minister X Y expecting

I heard through a friend of mine at the Embassy here in Washington D.C. that the Honorable Dr. X Y, Minister of A & B is expecting the arrival of a new baby to be born from his white girlfriend or wife here in the Washington D.C. area?!?, which no one knew about until she showed up furious at the Embassy about something and wishing to speak to the Ambassador some time ago. Supposedly they met when he was then Minister of H. while here on official business in the U.S. for the EXIM bank and Phyto Ryker deal last February 2001.

The Honorable Minister got her pregnant while she was visiting Accra on business for the entire month of last September 2001. I was told that even his Ghanian long time old wife was shock to find that he had invited the much younger, beautiful and very sexy (my friend saw! and spoke with her briefly at the Embassy) white Amercian woman to stay in their Accra home on Roman Ridge.

The two were apparently still having sex despite the fact that his suspicious angry old wife had arrived from Kumasi *somewhat* disrupting the little love nest after they shared the first two weeks in seclusion. She had stated that Dr. Y asked her about her menstral cycle so to make sure they would have the baby, that he really wanted her to get pregnant. The poor older wife must either be stupid or deaf to go to bed each night and not realize her husband was getting busy making a baby in the same house!! He is a physician afterall, perhaps he was just practicing good medicine!!! After the three remained in the same house for almost two weeks longer the older wife finally confronted the white woman and Minister Y about what she eventually suspected was going on. The white woman told the older! wife to ask the good doctor herself and try to dismiss the older woma ns screaming scene but we hear the baby is supposedly due in early June, which would corellate a steamy September sexcapade!!!!!!