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Rumor Mill of Sunday, 4 April 2004


Source: Palaver

Minister of State in Extra-Marital Affairs (0)

A certain NPP Minister of State who used to be in charge of a social sector but was re-shuffled to an infrastructure sector, a middle-aged man who is not a non-Ashanti, had a baby boy with an African American lady during one of his Conference circuits almost two years ago, that the lady?s name is the female version of ?Alex?, that the baby boy?s name begins with the letter ?N? and the full version of that name is the name of one of the Tsars of Russia, that the NPP Minister has refused to take care of the baby boy who will be two years old on May 29th 2004, and that the Minister?s behaviour has made her very distraught and caused her to form a very low opinion of African men in general and Ghanaian men in particular, and that even though the matter has been brought to the attention of President Kufuor.

President Kufour he has been unable to do anything about it because it is suspected that his own hands are not too clean when it comes to matters of extra-marital babies, especially twins, in the short time that he and his government have been in office.