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Rumor Mill of Wednesday, 19 November 2003



NDC Game Plan Exposed (5)

NDC propaganda machinery has moved into higher gear in their attempt to discredit the NPP administration in international circles.

It says high profile NDC personalities have made trips to foreign countries whilst others have given interviews to foreign media and in all these, they carry one message that the NPP administration is carrying out political persecution and human rights abuses against top NDC members.

The FREE PRESS cited ex-Finance Minister, Kwame Peprah, his Deputy, Victor Selormey and ex-Agriculture Minister, Ibrahim Adams who are currently serving prison sentences as examples.

A political analyst, who wants to remain anonymous has however indicated that all these noise making was just a smoke screen for the NDC’s real intent, that is to foment chaos and insurrection in the country when they lose the 2004 elections.

The source has therefore called on the government to be very wary of the machinations of the NDC to avoid falling into their trap.