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Rumor Mill of Thursday, 30 September 2004


Source: Ghana Palaver

NDC leads NPP in BNI Polls

In a recent survey conducted by the BNI, the Military Intelligence and other security and intelligence agencies, the NDC led with 60% of those polled, followed by the NPP with 36% and the others 4%, that it is this result which seems to be trend in the opinion polls that has terrified the NPP into concocting coup d?etat and mercenary invasion plots.

To create an atmosphere of tension, insecurity and instability to provide the excuse to either scramble the elections or to frighten especially NDC supporters from going to cast their votes on election day in the knowledge that a high voter turn-out will favour the NDC whose stay-away protest non-voting in 2000 cost the party the elections, and is it also true that as part of the tension scare tactics.

The NPP has placed BNI surveillance teams on 24-hour watch duties on former President Jerry John Rawlings, the NDC Headquarters, the NDC Campaign Centre where Professor Atta-Mills has his offices, the residences of Captain Kojo Tsikata and Lt. Col. Gbevlo-Lartey as well as some former Generals and soldiers who they think are close to former President Rawlings?