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Rumor Mill of Monday, 18 April 2011


Source: Daily Dispatch

Nana Konadu To Pick Jerry Rawlings As Running Mate?

Speculations are rife about who Nana Konadu Agyeman-Rawlings might pick as running mate should she win the National Democratic Congress (NDC) July 8-10 Congress.

Of all the names being mentioned, one stands out as intriguing – her husband, ex-President Jerry John Rawlings! Although the 1992 Constitution bars Rawlings from becoming President after he completed the mandatory two four-year terms as President, it is silent on whether he cannot be a Vice-President.

The Constitutional article barring the ex-President will be operative when, as Vice-President, he would have to act as President. Or, in that case, would the Speaker act as President, in spite of Vice President Jerry Rawlings’ presence?

The Daily Dispatch is investigating this report further and will be seeking varied legal opinions on possible constitutional implications if Rawlings becomes Vice-President in 2013.