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Rumor Mill of Monday, 22 November 2004


Source: Ghanaian Post

Nduom In Midnight Window Knocking

Ghanaian Post -- DESPERATE situations, they say require desperate measures. And probably, this is the situation in which Dr Paa Kwesi Nduom, the NPP backed CPP candidate for the Komenda/Edina/Eguafo/Abrem (KEEA) finds himself.

Finding himself in a tight corner in relation to the organizational ability of the NDC candidate, Dr Veronica Essuman Nelson, Dr Nduom decided to rather use an unorthodox method as part of his campaign strategy.

Knowing very well that the NDC candidate is his sister, candidate Paa Kwesi Nduom decided to knock at the window of his sister one midnight to talk to her in order to step down, promising to pay for the total cost of her campaign so far.

Of course, he was rebuffed.

Attempts to reach Dr Paa Kwesi Nduom for his comments proved futile.

Meanwhile, a tragedy has hit Abena near Elmina. A hastily political electification programme by the candidate in the town has led to the death of a man.

Stay tuned.