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Rumor Mill of Tuesday, 3 January 2006


Source: Daily Guide

New Political Party Emerging

Reports reaching Daily Guide indicate that the nation?s largest opposition party, the National Democratic Congress (NDC), is set to implode with a new party emerging out of it to embrace remnants form the raucous, PNC-CPP unity talks.

While, the prospective symbol of the party is being worked out, Daily Guide has information that it would not be long before a movement, dubbed Democratic Movement of Ghana (DMG), and a full-fledged political party emerges to give both the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP), and the National democratic Congress (NDC) a good run for their monies in the 2008 general election.

Currently, Daily Guide is in possession of information, which shows that about 30 youth in the NDC in Tema are planning to resign from the party. A final declaration of their desertion from the NDC is expected this week.

Confirming this to the Daily Guide in Accra on New Year?s eve, Stephen Adjei Mo-shake, a member of the Tema Youth wing of the NDC maintained that they are fed up with what?s going on in the party, particularly after the party?s fractious sixth National Delegates Congress in Koforidua, in which the former women?s organiser, Frances Awurabena Asiam, was physically assaulted.

He contended that, the beauty of democracy is that, each and every one is allowed a freewill to trade ideas and declare support for any candidate without being physically assaulted or intimidated.

Since the party?s Congress held at Koforidua, two NDC top-shots have already quit the party in protest against what they describe as open display of thuggery and gangsterism. The former Women?s Organiser Ms Frances Asiam, announced her resignation from the party on radio at the congress grounds at EREDEC Hotel after she had been whipped by some boys there.

Two days later, lawyer Kwaku Baah, who has been defending the party in court, and a former national vice-chairman of the party, also announced his resignation, from the NDC saying he cannot remain in a party of terrorists. Kwaku Baah lost his bid to be re-elected as one of the six National Vice Chairpersons of the Party. Daily Guide