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Rumor Mill of Thursday, 8 January 2004


Source: Ghana Palaver Intelligence

Property Acquisitions by Govt Officials (0)

Minister of Regional Integration and NEPAD, Hon. Dr. Kofi Konadu Apraku, has built a mansion at Akomadan in his Offinso North constituency and bought a plush house near the Kumasi Golf Club from Unilever (Ghana) Limited at a cost of US$100,000.

  • Minister of Roads and Transport Hon. Dr. Richard Anane has built a magnificent mansion at Santasi in Kumasi and reconstructed the road leading to the house, complete with impressive streetlights and ‘all mod coms’.

  • Ashanti Regional Minister Hon. S. K. Boafo has bought a mansion at Asonomaso in Kumasi for ?1.5 Billion and also received a gift of a Mercedes Benz 230 saloon car when he celebrated his 50th birthday anniversary.

  • Minister of Regional Integration and NEPAD Hon. Dr. Kofi Konadu Apraku is the real owner of ‘Happy FM’ radio station.

  • Minister of Defence Hon. Dr. Kwame Addo-Kufuor, the President’s brother, has sold his East Legon residence for US$200,000 and bought a mansion at East Cantonments for peanuts from Unilever (Ghana) Limited.
  • President Kufuor has bought a palatial mansion at Asonomase in Kumasi for US$500,000 from its Lebanese owner, and has had the road leading to the house asphalted.

  • President Kufuor has also bought the ultra-modern, seven-storey, nearly completed hotel next door to his private residence at the Tetteh Quarshie Circle (popularly called ‘HIPC Junction’) from its Lebanese owner for an undisclosed amount believed to be running into tens of millions of dollars.

    Corruption scent no-oooooo——-

    President Kufuor has approved the creation of a ‘Ministers’ Protocol Supplement’ of the type that used to exist under the SMC military junta of late General Akuffo. Under this ‘NPP Protocol Initiative’, every Minister collects ?10 million at the end of every month and every Deputy Minister collects ?5 million at the end of every month "under the table" which they use for their personal benefit as a kind of unaccountable imprest.

    Chris Asher Jnr made a very hefty contribution to the NPP before being granted the so-called "limited safe passage" to come and testify before the National Reconciliation Commission.

  • The reason for the intractable problem with the Tema Municipal Assembly’s fumigation contract of over ?900 million is that it was awarded by the Tema Municipal Chief Executive, Mr. Evans Ashong Narh, to the Greater Accra Regional Treasurer of the NPP on the instruction of an NPP bigwig without going through tender, and the same person has again been awarded another untendered contact for the re-numbering of all buildings and houses in the Ga District Assembly area.

  • Presidential Press Secretary Kwabena Agyepong bought the most expensive leather furniture from the ‘World of Leather’ furniture shop at North Labone at a cost of ?3,000 (or ?42 million) which he paid for in cash in British pounds.

    *0% of the revenue-earning capacity operations of the Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority (GPHA) has been given out to NPP members and financiers, with the biggest chunk going to CTS Limited owned by Mr. B. A. Mensah, a top NPP guru and financier, and also all shore-line operations, the most profitable of GPHA operations, have been handed over to SCL Safe Bond (Ghana) Limited, also partly owned by Mr. B. A. Mensah, who has engaged a German, Erling Fritze as the Managing Director with Mr. Krobo Edusei, a member of the NPP Council of Elders, as Chairman of the Board of Directors.

  • Mr. A. Bruks, a foreign-based Ghanaian import has been brought in to operate as a front for the NPP to ‘amass wealth’ for the Party’s 2004 election campaign by being awarded the most lucrative of public consultancies, and has so far already been awarded and executed consultancies for the graphic Communications Group Restructuring, the Inspection Services Review of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Presidential Special Initiatives and a host of other consultancies, enabling him to use his Ringway Estate office, which he acquired with the intervention of Dr. K. K. Apraku, as a collateral to purchase a posh residential property in the plush Trasaco Valley residential area at a cost of US$450,000.

  • Former Minister of Trade and Industry now Minister of Regional Integration and NEPAD Hon. Dr. K. K. Apraku and Governor of the Bank of Ghana Dr. Paul Acquah facilitated the syndication of a US$1.9 million loan by the Bank of Ghana and Unibank (Ghana) Limited from Unibank (China) Limited for the NPP front Inspection Company, Ghana Link Limited which, without any track record or antecedents in the inspection business, managed to gain a foothold into the cartel world of destination inspection in Ghana.

  • Mr. Osei Adjei, former Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry, now Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, who was instrumental in undermining the state-partnered Gateway Services Limited (GSL) in the destination inspection programme, has rented his East Legon residence to one of the two Inspection Companies that the NPP Government is using to supplant the GSL, the ICS Limited, for a monthly rental of US$3,000. whilst he lives in a Government bungalow for free.

  • The Ghana High Commission building in London has been sold by the NPP Government and rented it back from the buyer. REBUKE: Chancery Of The Ghana High Commission Has Not Been Sold

  • The defection of Mr. Peter Wiafe Pepera, former NDC Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry, from the NDC to the NPP was the price his father had to pay for the return by the NPP Government to the Pepera family of Mim Timbers Company Limited and a vehicle import agency that has been granted to the family.

  • The Serious Fraud Office (SFO) recommended the prosecution of Databank’s Ken Ofori-Atta for "wilfully causing financial loss to the state" in the Obotan-SSNIT multi-billion property deal scandal, but following the intervention of President Olusegun Obasanjo of Nigeria, a close friend of Mr. Ken Ofori-Atta, President J. A. Kufuor has ordered that the case should not be prosecuted and that as a quid pro quo, President Obasanjo has promised to underwrite all or a substantial portion of the NPP’s 2004 campaign expenditure.

    NPP Extravagance

  • Deputy Information Minister Stephen Asamoah-Boateng allocated an official pick-up with registration number GV25U belonging to the Ministry of Regional Integration and NEPAD where he used to work to his young girl-friend Zulueta in addition to the private BMW car that he purchased for her.

  • Mr. K. G. Osei-Bonsu, Dr. Busia’s Minister of Information and National Security and currently Special Adviser to President Kufuor and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Ghana Commercial Bank, had a "big birthday bash" at La Palm Beach Hotel when he turned 70 years in the course of the year, and left behind an unpaid bill of ?180 million after the conspicuous consumption and opulent Oriental nabob style extravagance show which was as filthy as it was obscene.

  • A Government bungalow near the new Japanese Embassy has been converted into the Headquarters of the new NGO set up by Mrs. Theresa Kufuor, wife of the President, the ‘Mother and Child Community Development Foundation’, after her husband became President; the entire renovation, rehabilitation, refurbishment and refurnishing which ran into billions of cedis having been borne by the state.

  • The NPP DCE for Ketu District, Mr. Lineus Kuefe, suddenly basking in affluence and opulence, went on a two-weeks leave in the USA, allegedly at his own expense, as indeed is the case with many other NPP DCEs who, taking a cue from former NPP Chairman and current Speaker of Parliament Right Honourable Peter Ala Adjetey, are approving paid official leave for themselves and spending such leave in the USA and UK mainly, such as the recent case of the Akwapim North DEC, Dr. (Mrs.), who undertook such a leave in the USA recently and whose Assembly members are demanding an accounting of the monies that she spent on the trip.

  • Haruna Atta, Editor of the Accra Daily Mail and husband of Nana Yaa Agyeman, sister of former First Lady Nana Konadu Agyeman-Rawlings, who said he would never recognise Jerry John Rawlings as Head of State in the 8years that the former President was Head of State and President of the Republic, fell seriously sick and was flown out of the country to Austria for medical treatment at state expense, contrary to the NPP Manifesto.