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Rumor Mill of Tuesday, 14 November 2006


Source: Palaver

Radio Gold Army raid plot was no joke


The military insider who leaked the "Operation Glitter" document to the media is emphatic that the planned invasion of Radio Gold was to be used as a pretext to "finish off" staff of Radio Gold and persons associated with the station whom the NPP Government found to be uncompromising.

According to him, he was at all the planning sessions of the Operation, and that the 5 BN Commander who authorised its preparation was acting on the direct orders of the NPP Government. He said the NDC’s account of what was planned, as detailed by the party’s General Secretary Johnson Asiedu Nketiah, was quite close to the truth, though there were slight differences in the details. He said the plan was to use former dissident soldiers and disgruntled members of the Peace Seekers International (PSI) to fake a coup d’etat in the course of which they would attack Radio Gold.

Simultaneously, leading NDC members including Founder Jerry John Rawlings, E.T. Mensah, the Ahwoi Brothers, the Tsikata Brothers, Dr. Tony Aidoo and others were to be arrested. Ato Ahwoi in particular was to be executed.

In a so-called attempt to recapture Radio Gold, the military insider said, the General Manager, Baffoe Bonnie, as well as the officers who play the roles of Kokonsa and Koo Fori, were to be sought out and massacred and the entire equipment of the station totally destroyed.

The military insider asked; "If this was to be a simulated exercise, then how did they get the detailed floor plans of the layout of Radio Gold studios since they did not talk to the General Manager or any of the staff? The usual thing, if this was an exercise, would have been to bring the General Manager into the picture and either ask for the floor plans or ask for the permission to draw the floor plans. Instead, they obviously must have infiltrated somebody or some people into the station who studied the layout and subsequently drew the sketch from memory".

The military insider said that Radio Gold has now become an obsession with the NPP Government and warned the owners of the station to be on the look out for the next strategy, which he said could include either a fire outbreak or a bomb attack.