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Rumor Mill of Friday, 23 May 2003


Source: Richy

Rawlings' Accuser Is Not Red Cross PR Officer (9)

In a news item article "Rawlings Ordered Killing Of Judges , ex-Corporal Matthew Adabuga, is reported to be a Public Relations Officer for Red Cross Society in Oslo.

Our attention has been drawn to the fact that, Mr Adabuga is not the Public Relations Officer of the Red Cross. The Oslo branch of Red Cross has denied the ex-Corporal ever worked for them

Just heard from Mrs. Olson of The Noeway AIDS-organization PLUSS ( [email protected] )that Adabuga is just a NONE PAID member. His job, if he has one, is not known to her.

It seems to me that this man is an imposter, ready at any moment to do what his political pimps want him to do.