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Rumor Mill of Friday, 6 August 2004


Source: --

Rawlings Hires Body Guards For Kids?At ?30,000 Each

Information reaching the paper indicates that, ex-President Rawlings has hired private bodyguards for his kids who are schooling in Dublin, Ireland.

The bodyguards who are to ensure safety of his children are reported to be receiving some ?30,000 each every year and this is up to a whopping ?120,000, equivalent to about ?2 billion.

The paper?s sources in Dublin revealed that the bodyguards are in constant attendance on the children and follow them to school or when they visit their friends.

They further revealed that the house, which Rawlings purchased for his kids, has also been installed with an elaborate security system.

It is not clear as to why Rawlings should go to such lengths to protect his kids since they have never been under any threat.