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Rumor Mill of Tuesday, 11 April 2006


Source: Independent

Regional Minister Packs His Things?

The Ashanti Regional Minister, Mr S.K. Boafo is said to have packed his things from the residency in Kumasi to an unknown destination in anticipation of President Kufuor?s intended reshuffle, which has gained some amount of publicity in recent times.

The Ashanti Regional Minister is also said to have decided to flee Kumasi before the intended reshuffle is finally announced. This is the news making the rounds in Kumasi, which was corroborated by Mr S.K. Boafo at the opening of a two-day sensitization workshop organized by the Parliamentary Press Corps and sponsored by the Office of the Administrator of District Assemblies Common Fund (DACF) in Kumasi over the weekend.

But as to where the Ashanti Regional Minister is going, he (S.K. Boafo) does not know and as to where he has sent his packed belongings nobody has been able to point out. Disclosing this to the members of the press corps and invited guests at the workshop amidst laughter from participants, Mr S.K. Boafo said this is part of the rumour mill in Kumasi that creates confusion and cautioned journalists to always get their facts right before they put out information.
?All over Kumasi you hear people saying S.K. Boafo has packed his things but he doesn?t know where he is going,? he said and added that nobody is ready to tell him where he has sent his packed belongings to.
Further in a telephone interview with The Independent, the Ashanti Regional Minister denied vehemently the rumours making the rounds in the Kumasi metropolis, saying there was no iota of truth in them. He emphasized that he has not packed any of his belongings to any place, and that anyone who wants to verify that could visit him at the residency to see things for himself.